Thursday, November 17, 2016

Calculadora De Stock Options

Calculadora de opciones de acciones

El propósito de la Calculadora de opciones de acciones es ayudar a los usuarios a darse cuenta del valor futuro de sus opciones sobre acciones. Para usar esta herramienta necesitará ingresar el precio actual de la acción, el número de opciones que tiene actualmente, el número de años que planea retener, el precio de ejercicio y la tasa de apreciación de acciones. Después de ingresar esta información, puede seleccionar graficar los resultados en función de sus opciones de compra de acciones & # 039; Valor por año o el valor final de sus opciones de compra de acciones.

Se requiere Javascript para esta calculadora. Si utiliza Internet Explorer, puede que tenga que seleccionar "Permitir contenido bloqueado" para ver esta calculadora.

Descripción general de la Calculadora de opciones de acciones

Hay varios tipos diferentes de compensación que un empleado puede recibir de su empleador. Un tipo de compensación es la opción de compra de acciones. Las opciones sobre acciones suelen darse a los empleados una vez al año en función de su antigüedad, posición y política de la empresa. Los empleadores les gusta este tipo de compensación, porque realmente no les cuesta nada hasta que el empleado se retire o sale de la empresa.

Como empleado, usted puede tener opciones sobre acciones integradas en su salario anual ya. Si este es el caso, usted puede sentir que realmente no están haciendo mucho bien ahora. Sin embargo, cuando esté listo para cobrar estas opciones, obtendrá los beneficios de este tipo de compensación. Si está interesado en saber cuánto valorarán sus opciones de acciones el próximo año o 20 años a partir de ahora, puede utilizar nuestra Calculadora de opciones de compra.

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Calculadoras Populares

137 Calculadoras

Calculadoras de hipoteca

Calculadoras de la equidad casera

Calculadoras de préstamos automáticos

CD / Calculadoras de Inversiones

Calculadoras de Deuda / Crédito

Calculadoras de estudiantes

Calculadoras de Finanzas Personales

Calculadoras de impuestos

Calculadoras de Retiro


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Copyright y copia; 1995-2016 Hipoteca Loan Directorio e Información, LLC. - Todos los derechos reservados. MortgageLoan. com® es una marca de servicio registrada de Mortgage Loan Directory and Information, LLC.

Directorio de hipotecas e información, LLC o Mortgageloan. com no ofrece préstamos o hipotecas. Mortgageloan. com no es un prestamista o un corredor de hipoteca. Mortgageloan. com es un sitio web que proporciona información sobre hipotecas y préstamos y no ofrece préstamos o hipotecas directa o indirectamente a través de representantes o agentes. No nos dedicamos a la comercialización directa por teléfono o correo electrónico a los consumidores. Póngase en contacto con nuestro servicio si sospecha de cualquier actividad fraudulenta o si tiene alguna pregunta. Mortgageloan. com es un servicio de noticias e información que proporciona contenido editorial e información de directorio en el campo de hipotecas y préstamos. Mortgageloan. com no es responsable de la exactitud de la información o responsable de la exactitud de las tarifas, APR o préstamo información publicada por los corredores, prestamistas o anunciantes.

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Calculadora anual de subvenciones para opciones de compra de acciones

El propósito de la Calculadora Anual de Subvenciones de Opción de Compra es ayudar a ilustrar cómo el valor de las concesiones anuales de opciones sobre acciones puede mejorar con el tiempo. Para usar esta herramienta necesitará ingresar el precio actual de la acción, la tasa de apreciación de la acción, el número de años que desea controlar su crecimiento y el monto anual de la donación de la opción de compra de acciones. La calculadora tomará estas cifras en consideración y producirá un gráfico de las opciones de acciones & # 039; Apreciación en incrementos de igual a aproximadamente un tercio del término de apreciación total ingresado.

Se requiere Javascript para esta calculadora. Si utiliza Internet Explorer, puede que tenga que seleccionar "Permitir contenido bloqueado" para ver esta calculadora.

Calculadora anual de subvenciones para opciones de compra

Una forma en que las empresas muestran a sus empleados que valoran sus contribuciones al negocio es ofreciéndoles subsidios anuales de opciones sobre acciones. Mientras que la concesión de la opción de un solo año de la acción no puede parecer como una gran cantidad de dinero, como stock options se acumulan y maduran su valor aumenta dramáticamente. Si su empresa ofrece subsidios anuales de opciones sobre acciones, o si es un empleador que está considerando ofrecer este beneficio de empleo a sus empleados, entonces debería ver cómo el valor de las subvenciones anuales de acciones puede mejorar a lo largo de los años.

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Calculadoras Populares

137 Calculadoras

Calculadoras de hipoteca

Calculadoras de la equidad casera

Calculadoras de préstamos automáticos

CD / Calculadoras de Inversiones

Calculadoras de Deuda / Crédito

Calculadoras de estudiantes

Calculadoras de Finanzas Personales

Calculadoras de impuestos

Calculadoras de Retiro


Tarifas destacadas

Páginas populares


Sobre nosotros

Copyright y copia; 1995-2016 Hipoteca Loan Directorio e Información, LLC. - Todos los derechos reservados. MortgageLoan. com® es una marca de servicio registrada de Mortgage Loan Directory and Information, LLC.

Directorio de hipotecas e información, LLC o Mortgageloan. com no ofrece préstamos o hipotecas. Mortgageloan. com no es un prestamista o un corredor de hipoteca. Mortgageloan. com es un sitio web que proporciona información sobre hipotecas y préstamos y no ofrece préstamos o hipotecas directa o indirectamente a través de representantes o agentes. No nos dedicamos a la comercialización directa por teléfono o correo electrónico a los consumidores. Póngase en contacto con nuestro servicio si sospecha de cualquier actividad fraudulenta o si tiene alguna pregunta. Mortgageloan. com es un servicio de noticias e información que proporciona contenido editorial e información de directorio en el campo de hipotecas y préstamos. Mortgageloan. com no es responsable de la exactitud de la información o responsable de la exactitud de las tarifas, APR o préstamo información publicada por los corredores, prestamistas o anunciantes.

Si ofrece opciones de acciones en las que trabaja, puede utilizar esta calculadora para calcular el valor potencial de ese beneficio. Si está pensando en cambiar trabajos y ese trabajo ofrece opciones de stock, puede utilizar esta calculadora para ayudarle a entender cómo esas opciones podrían agregar a su paquete de compensación total.

El navegador no admite JavaScript. Los cálculos creados no funcionarán. Por favor accesa a la página web usando otro navegador.

Definiciones de la calculadora

Las variables utilizadas en nuestra calculadora en línea se definen en detalle a continuación, incluyendo cómo interpretar los resultados.

Precio actual de la acción ($ / acción)

Este es el precio actual de la acción de la opción que se ofrece, expresada en términos de dólares por acción.

Subvención anual de opciones sobre acciones (acciones)

Esta es la concesión real de acciones, o una estimación de las opciones de acciones anuales, que se ofrecerá cada año. Éstos son el número de acciones que usted tendrá una opción en cada año.

Precio de ejercicio ($ / acción)

Este es el precio de ejercicio de la opción de compra. Normalmente, el precio de ejercicio de una opción se establece más alto que el precio actual de la acción. Esto proporciona a la gerencia un incentivo para hacer crecer el valor de la compañía, y su precio de la acción.

Tasa de crecimiento del precio de las acciones (% / año)

Este es el crecimiento esperado en el valor de la acción cada año. De nuevo, para que una opción de compra de acciones tenga valor, el precio por acción suele aumentar por encima de los niveles actuales. Este valor es su aumento esperado del porcentaje en el precio de la acción cada año.

Número de Años (Años)

Este es el número de años durante los cuales se le ofrecerán opciones. Si ya participa en un plan de opciones sobre acciones en el trabajo, puede ingresar el número de años que ha estado participando.

Precio de Acción Final ($ / acción)

Este es el precio final por acción de la acción. Este valor se calcula tomando el precio actual de la acción y escalándolo por la tasa de crecimiento del precio de las acciones.

Precio Promedio de Acción ($ / acción)

Este es el precio promedio por acción. Esta calculadora asume que a medida que sube el precio actual de la acción, también lo hará el precio de ejercicio. El precio de ejercicio se incrementa a la tasa de crecimiento del precio de las acciones.

Total de opciones sobre acciones otorgadas (acciones)

Se trata del número total de opciones sobre acciones concedidas durante el número de años indicado anteriormente.

Valor de las opciones sobre acciones ($)

Se trata del valor total de las opciones sobre acciones concedidas. Este valor se calcula tomando el precio de la acción final, restándole del precio de ejercicio promedio, y multiplicándolo por el total de opciones sobre acciones otorgadas.

Calculadora de opciones de acciones - Copyright & copy; 2006 - 2015 Money-Zine. com (Última revisión el 26 de enero de 2015)

Descargo de responsabilidad: Estas calculadoras en línea están disponibles y están destinadas a ser utilizadas como una herramienta de detección para el inversor. La exactitud de estos cálculos no está garantizada ni es su aplicabilidad a sus circunstancias individuales. Siempre debe obtener asesoramiento personal de profesionales cualificados.

Calculadora de opciones de acciones

Calculadora de opciones de acciones en línea gratis

Es muy beneficioso tener opciones de acciones en su poder. Pero estas opciones son rentables sólo cuando se ejercen en el momento en que el precio de las acciones es superior al precio de ejercicio. Utilizando esta calculadora, es fácil averiguar el precio real de la acción y su ganancia introduciendo información sobre el precio actual de la acción, el número de opciones que tiene, el número de años que desea mantener esas opciones, el precio de ejercicio de la opción y la tasa de apreciación esperada de Las existencias.

Precio actual de la acción El precio actual de las acciones de su empresa en el mercado de capitales. Para este cálculo de opciones de acciones para empleados, se supone que el precio de la acción es igual al precio de ejercicio de las opciones. Si el precio actual de las acciones en el mercado de capitales supera el precio de ejercicio, puede obtener de ejercer las acciones. Apreciación de las acciones Esta es la tasa de rendimiento acelerada que espera de las acciones subyacentes de las opciones emitidas. Sus opciones están 'en el valor' sólo cuando el precio subyacente comienza a aumentar más allá del precio de ejercicio. No olvide la tasa de rendimiento ofrecida en otros activos de inversión mientras define su tasa de rendimiento esperada. Número de opciones Número total de opciones que ha sido otorgado por la empresa. Precio de ejercicio El precio de la acción al que se le han emitido estas opciones. Para obtener ganancias de las opciones sobre acciones, el precio de las acciones debe elevarse por encima del precio de ejercicio. Número de años El número planeado de años que no desea vender las opciones. Puede mantener las opciones hasta 25 años.

Stock Option Calculator 5.00 / 5 (100.00%) 1 voto

Calculadora de opciones de acciones le ayuda a ver el beneficio real

Las opciones de acciones son algo que todos leemos en los anuncios de empleo. Se mencionan como uno de los beneficios que ofrece el empleado. Mientras que muchas personas son atraídas por tales beneficios, puede haber algunos que no entienden realmente qué opciones de acciones son y cómo pueden devolver beneficios. La calculadora de opciones de acciones puede ayudarle a averiguar cuánto beneficio puede esperar, pero antes de eso necesita entender qué opciones de acciones son y cómo funcionan.

Entender el concepto antes de usar Calculadora de opciones de acciones Con las opciones de acciones, el empleador le da al empleado el derecho de comprar un número específico de acciones de la acción de la empresa. El tiempo y el precio de esta compra es especificado por el empleador. Opciones de acciones tienen un montón de beneficios para el empleado. En primer lugar, invertir en acciones de la empresa le ayuda a crecer con el crecimiento de la compañía. Los beneficios varían de acuerdo a varios factores y que es donde una calculadora de opción de acciones puede ayudar a obtener una imagen más clara.

Ejemplo de cómo funcionan las opciones de stock Comprender cómo funcionan las opciones de stock es importante antes de utilizar la calculadora de opciones de stock. La mejor manera de explicar el concepto es dar un ejemplo simple. Supongamos que su empleador le dio una opción para comprar 100 acciones de $ 2. El contrato también mencionará una fecha antes de la cual no se puede ejercer la opción. Esto se llama el período de espera. Ahora, suponga que cuando termina ese período, el valor de la acción alcanza $ 4. Usted, como empleado, tiene tres opciones ahora.

Usted puede simplemente convertir la opción en acciones y comprar las acciones a $ 2, esperar hasta que el período de espera es más y vender las acciones. Al hacer esto usted tendrá $ 2 de beneficio en cada acción.

Incluso puede optar por vender algunas de las acciones y mantener algunos para vender más tarde. En caso de que el valor suba de nuevo, la ganancia también aumentará.

Por último, puede convertir a stock, pero mantener todas las acciones hasta que el valor alcanza su pico. Esto es altamente impredecible, pero si su empresa está creciendo a un ritmo sin precedentes, puede hacer una inmensa cantidad de beneficios sólo por esperar el momento adecuado.

Sin embargo, a pesar de la incertidumbre, es muy importante utilizar una calculadora de opciones de acciones para tener una idea de lo que puede esperar.

¿Por qué los empleados ofrecen opciones sobre acciones? Las empresas, tanto privadas como públicas, pueden ofrecer opciones sobre acciones. Inicialmente, las empresas solían ofrecer esta oportunidad sólo a sus empleados de nivel superior. Hoy en día, el beneficio suele ser abierto por igual para todos los empleados. Esto es porque crea un juego de ganar-ganar para el empleado y el empleador. Algunas de las razones por las que los empleados ofrecen estas opciones incluyen.

Atraer y retener buenos recursos

Mejorar la dedicación y lealtad del empleado

Para mantener más dinero ofreciendo compensación que va más allá del cheque de pago

Las personas han logrado obtener una enorme cantidad de beneficios financieros de invertir en acciones de su empresa. Asegúrese de utilizar una calculadora de opciones de acciones para realizar un seguimiento de sus posibilidades.

Calcule esta calculadora gratis en línea

Calculadora de opciones de acciones

Recibir opciones para las acciones de su empresa puede ser un beneficio increíble. Incluso después de unos años de crecimiento moderado, las opciones sobre acciones pueden producir un buen retorno. Utilice esta calculadora para determinar el valor de sus opciones de acciones para el próximo a veinticinco años.

Se requiere Javascript para esta calculadora. Si utiliza Internet Explorer, puede que tenga que seleccionar "Permitir contenido bloqueado" para ver esta calculadora.

Para obtener más información acerca de estas estas calculadoras financieras, visite: Dinkytown Financial Calculators de KJE Computer Solutions, LLC

Información y calculadoras interactivas se ponen a su disposición como herramientas de autoayuda para su uso independiente y no tienen la intención de proporcionar asesoramiento de inversión. No podemos y no garantizamos su aplicabilidad o precisión con respecto a sus circunstancias individuales. Todos los ejemplos son hipotéticos y son sólo para fines ilustrativos. Le animamos a buscar asesoramiento personalizado de profesionales calificados en relación con todas las cuestiones de finanzas personales.

Calculadora de opciones de acciones

Recibir opciones para las acciones de su empresa puede ser un beneficio increíble. Incluso después de unos años de crecimiento moderado, las opciones sobre acciones pueden producir un buen retorno. Utilice esta calculadora para determinar el valor de sus opciones de acciones para el próximo a veinticinco años.

Se requiere Javascript para esta calculadora. Si utiliza Internet Explorer, puede que tenga que seleccionar "Permitir contenido bloqueado" para ver esta calculadora.

Para obtener más información acerca de estas estas calculadoras financieras, visite: Dinkytown Financial Calculators de KJE Computer Solutions, LLC

Información y calculadoras interactivas se ponen a su disposición como herramientas de autoayuda para su uso independiente y no tienen la intención de proporcionar asesoramiento de inversión. No podemos y no garantizamos su aplicabilidad o precisión con respecto a sus circunstancias individuales. Todos los ejemplos son hipotéticos y son sólo para fines ilustrativos. Le animamos a buscar asesoramiento personalizado de profesionales calificados en relación con todas las cuestiones de finanzas personales.

Calculadora de opciones de acciones

Recibir opciones para las acciones de su empresa puede ser un beneficio increíble. Incluso después de unos años de crecimiento moderado, las opciones sobre acciones pueden producir un buen retorno. Utilice esta calculadora para determinar el valor de sus opciones de acciones para el próximo a veinticinco años.

Se requiere Javascript para esta calculadora. Si utiliza Internet Explorer, puede que tenga que seleccionar "Permitir contenido bloqueado" para ver esta calculadora.

Para obtener más información acerca de estas estas calculadoras financieras, visite: Calculadoras financieras de KJE Computer Solutions, LLC

Información y calculadoras interactivas se ponen a su disposición como herramientas de autoayuda para su uso independiente y no tienen la intención de proporcionar asesoramiento de inversión. No podemos y no garantizamos su aplicabilidad o precisión con respecto a sus circunstancias individuales. Todos los ejemplos son hipotéticos y son sólo para fines ilustrativos. Le animamos a buscar asesoramiento personalizado de profesionales calificados en relación con todas las cuestiones de finanzas personales.

Calculadora de precio de opción

Las opciones implican riesgo y no son adecuadas para todos los inversores. Haga clic aquí para revisar el folleto Características y riesgos de las opciones estándar antes de comenzar las opciones de compra. Los inversionistas de opciones pueden perder el monto total de su inversión en un período relativamente corto de tiempo.

El comercio en línea tiene riesgos inherentes debido a la respuesta del sistema y tiempos de acceso que varían debido a las condiciones del mercado, el rendimiento del sistema y otros factores. Un inversionista debe entender estos y riesgos adicionales antes de negociar.

&daga; $ 4.95 para transacciones en línea de acciones y opciones, agregue 65 centavos por contrato de opción. TradeKing cobra un adicional de $ 0.35 por contrato en ciertos productos de índice donde los cargos de cambio cobran. Consulte nuestras preguntas frecuentes para obtener más detalles. TradeKing agrega $ 0.01 por acción en la orden entera para las existencias tasadas menos de $ 2.00. Consulte nuestra página de comisiones y comisiones para comisiones sobre operaciones con corredores, acciones a bajo precio, spreads de opciones y otros valores.

* TradeKing recibió 4 de 5 estrellas en Barron 12 (marzo de 2007), 13 (marzo de 2008), 14 (marzo de 2009), 15 (marzo de 2010), 16 (marzo de 2011), 17 (marzo de 2012) y 18 (marzo de 2013), y 19 (marzo 2014) ranking anual de los mejores corredores en línea basados ​​en tecnología de comercio, usabilidad, móvil, variedad de ofertas, servicios de investigación, análisis de cartera & amp; Informes, Servicio al Cliente & amp; Educación y costos. Clasificado entre los "Mejores para los Comerciantes de Opciones" 2008-13. Barron's es una marca registrada de Dow Jones & amp; Company © 2013. TradeKing recibió 4 estrellas y media para el Servicio al Cliente por stockbrokers. com en su Revisión Broker 2014 junto con ser nombrado # 1 Trader Community en su 2013 y 2014 Broker Surveys. La encuesta se basó en las siguientes categorías: Comisiones & amp; Tarifas, Facilidad de uso, Plataformas & amp; Herramientas, investigación, servicio al cliente, oferta de inversiones, educación y comercio móvil. La documentación que respalda los premios y reclamaciones de servicios y herramientas de TradeKing también está disponible si se solicita llamando al 877-495-5464 o por correo electrónico a [email & # 160; protected]

Todas las inversiones implican riesgo, las pérdidas pueden exceder el principal invertido y el rendimiento pasado de un producto de seguridad, industria, sector, mercado o financiero no garantiza los resultados o devoluciones futuros. TradeKing ofrece a los inversionistas autodirigidos servicios de corretaje de descuentos y no hace recomendaciones ni ofrece asesoramiento financiero, legal o fiscal. Usted es el único responsable de evaluar los méritos y riesgos asociados con el uso de los sistemas, servicios o productos de TradeKing.

Las estrategias de opciones de múltiples piernas implican riesgos adicionales. Y puede dar lugar a tratamientos impositivos complejos. Consulte a un profesional de impuestos antes de implementar estas estrategias. La volatilidad implícita representa el consenso del mercado en cuanto al nivel futuro de volatilidad del precio de las acciones o la probabilidad de alcanzar un punto de precio específico. Los griegos representan el consenso del mercado en cuanto a cómo la opción reaccionará a los cambios en ciertas variables asociadas con el precio de un contrato de opción. No hay garantía de que las previsiones de volatilidad implícita o los griegos sean correctas.

El contenido, las investigaciones, las herramientas y los símbolos de acciones u opciones son sólo para fines educativos y ilustrativos y no implican una recomendación o solicitud para comprar o vender un valor en particular o para participar en una estrategia de inversión en particular. Las proyecciones u otra información con respecto a la probabilidad de varios resultados de inversión son hipotéticas por naturaleza, no están garantizadas por exactitud o integridad, no reflejan los resultados reales de inversión, no toman en cuenta comisiones, intereses de margen y otros costos y no son garantías de Resultados futuros.

El comercio de futuros se ofrece a los inversores auto-dirigidos a través de MB Trading Futures. MB Trading, miembro de IB FINRA, SIPC; MB Trading Futures, Inc. Miembro del IB NFA

La negociación de futuros es especulativa por naturaleza y no es apropiada para todos los inversores. Los inversores sólo deben utilizar capital de riesgo al negociar futuros y opciones porque siempre existe el riesgo de pérdidas sustanciales.

El comercio de divisas (Forex) se ofrece a los inversores autodirigidos a través de TradeKing Forex. TradeKing Forex, Inc y TradeKing Securities, LLC son empresas independientes, pero afiliadas. Las cuentas Forex no están protegidas por la Securities Investor Protection Corp. (SIPC).

El comercio de divisas implica un riesgo significativo de pérdida y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. Aumentar el apalancamiento aumenta el riesgo. Antes de decidir el comercio de divisas, debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos financieros, el nivel de experiencia de inversión y la capacidad de asumir riesgos financieros. Cualquier opinión, noticias, investigación, análisis, precios u otra información contenida no constituye asesoramiento de inversión. Lea la información completa. Tenga en cuenta que los contratos de oro y plata al contado no están sujetos a regulación bajo la Ley de Intercambio de Mercancías de los Estados Unidos.

TradeKing Forex, Inc actúa como un corredor de introducción a GAIN Capital Group, LLC ( "Capital GAIN"). Su cuenta forex se mantiene y mantiene en GAIN Capital, que actúa como agente de compensación y contraparte en sus operaciones. GAIN Capital está registrado en la Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) y es miembro de la National Futures Association (NFA) (ID # 0339826). TradeKing Forex, Inc. es miembro de la Asociación Nacional de Futuros (ID # 0408077).

&dupdo; 2016 TradeKing Group, Inc. Todos los derechos reservados. Valores ofrecidos a través de TradeKing Securities, LLC, miembro de FINRA y SIPC. Forex ofrecido a través de TradeKing Forex, LLC, miembro de NFA.

Calculadora de Inversiones

Fundamentos de Inversión describe los aspectos clave de cómo invertir

La planificación de inversiones es esencial para construir y preservar la riqueza. Esta guía describe de manera sencilla cómo crear una Cuenta de Broker del Plan de Inversión

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Los bancos ahora utilizan Internet para comercializar y atender a sus clientes. Estos consejos para la banca por Internet segura implican hacer elecciones inteligentes que le ayudarán a evitar estafas.

La crisis crediticia y financiera ha llevado a una serie de fracasos bancarios en Estados Unidos. Compilado aquí es una lista de errores del banco. Junto con las instituciones que han asumido sus depósitos.

Conceptos básicos de la tarjeta de crédito explica las características y los términos de la tarjeta de crédito y otra información de la tarjeta de crédito que necesita saber.

Consejos para gestionar y mejorar su situación crediticia, Gestión de tarjetas de crédito ofrece consejos útiles para aumentar su puntaje de crédito. Calculadora de tarjeta de crédito

Calculadora de inversiones - Subvención para opciones sobre acciones

Valores de opciones de acciones por año

Información y calculadoras interactivas se ponen a su disposición como herramientas de autoayuda para su uso independiente y no tienen la intención de proporcionar asesoramiento de inversión. No podemos y no garantizamos su aplicabilidad o precisión con respecto a sus circunstancias individuales. Todos los ejemplos son hipotéticos y son sólo para fines ilustrativos. Le animamos a buscar el asesoramiento personalizado de profesionales calificados en relación con todas las cuestiones de finanzas personales.

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Calculadora de Inversiones - Definiciones de Subvenciones de Opciones de Acciones

Las subvenciones de opciones de acciones se utilizan a menudo como incentivos de los empleados que pueden ser una oportunidad de inversión increíble para los empleados. Los tipos más comunes de subvenciones de opciones de acciones son subvenciones anuales y subvenciones de alquiler. Una subvención anual se repite cada año hasta que el plan cambia, mientras que una subvención de alquiler es una subvención única concedida a los nuevos empleados. Algunas compañías ofrecen subvenciones de alquiler y subvenciones anuales de opciones sobre acciones. Estos planes suelen estar sujetos a un programa de consolidación de derechos, en el que se otorga a un empleado opciones sobre acciones que se conceden durante varios años. Para cobrar, un empleado debe permanecer con la compañía. Una vez adquirido, el empleado puede ejercer las opciones sobre acciones para adquirir acciones de la empresa a la concesión o al precio de ejercicio.

Precio actual de la acción - Precio actual de la acción. Para esta calculadora de opciones de acciones de inversión. Se supone que el precio actual de la acción es el precio de ejercicio. El precio de ejercicio es el precio de la acción en el que se emitieron sus opciones sobre acciones. El precio de la acción subyacente debe exceder el precio de ejercicio para que sus opciones tengan algún valor. Stock aprecia en - Esta es la tasa de rendimiento anual que espera de las acciones subyacentes a sus opciones sobre acciones. Gracias a la naturaleza apalancada de sus opciones sobre acciones, una vez que el valor de la acción subyacente haya excedido su precio de ejercicio, el valor de sus opciones sobre acciones aumentará a una tasa acelerada. La tasa real de rendimiento depende en gran medida del tipo de inversiones que seleccione. De enero de 1970 a diciembre de 2007, la tasa media de rendimiento compuesto del S & P 500, incluida la reinversión de dividendos, fue de aproximadamente 11,4% anual (fuente: www. standardandpoors. com). Durante este período, el retorno más alto de 12 meses fue de 61%, y el más bajo fue de -39%. Las cuentas de ahorros en un banco pueden pagar tan poco como 1% o menos. Es importante recordar que las tasas de rendimiento futuras no se pueden predecir con certeza y que las inversiones que pagan tasas de rendimiento más altas están generalmente sujetas a un mayor riesgo y volatilidad. La tasa real de rendimiento de las inversiones puede variar ampliamente con el tiempo, especialmente para las inversiones a largo plazo. Esto incluye la posible pérdida de capital de su inversión. No es posible invertir directamente en un índice y la tasa de rendimiento compuesta anotada anteriormente no refleja los cargos por ventas y otros cargos que los fondos y / o las compañías de inversión pueden cobrar. Concesión anual de la opción de la acción - Ésta es la cantidad de opciones que usted recibe cada año. El precio de ejercicio de cada año se calculará como el precio de la acción proyectada. Número de años - El número de años que espera mantener estas opciones sobre acciones. Esto puede ser cualquier número de tres a veinticinco.

Invertir - Certificados de depósito, que están asegurados por la FDIC, son una de las formas más seguras de ahorrar dinero. Utilice esta calculadora del CD del banco para demostrarle el rendimiento a largo plazo en ahorros que usted puede esperar basado en tarifas actuales del CD del banco.

Financiación - CalculatorPlus proporciona gratis hipoteca y préstamo refinanciar calculadoras. Nuestra Calculadora de préstamos hipotecarios en línea puede ayudarle a evaluar rápidamente las opciones de tasas de interés de todos los préstamos. Nuestra calculadora de pagos hipotecarios puede ayudar a los compradores a calcular el costo de los pagos mensuales de la hipoteca. Si usted está interesado en la refinanciación de hipotecas o buscando ver cuánto impuesto puede deducir, esta calculadora de hipoteca gratis con impuestos y seguros está aquí para ayudarle.

Entendiendo el precio de las opciones

Cargando al jugador.

Usted pudo haber tenido éxito golpeando el mercado negociando acción usando un proceso disciplinado que anticipa un movimiento agradable hacia arriba o hacia abajo. Muchos comerciantes también han ganado la confianza para ganar dinero en el mercado de valores mediante la identificación de una o dos buenas acciones que pueden hacer un gran movimiento pronto. Pero si no sabes aprovechar ese movimiento, podrías quedarte en el polvo. Si esto suena como usted, entonces tal vez es hora de considerar el uso de opciones para jugar su próximo movimiento. Este artículo explorará algunos factores simples que usted debe considerar si usted planea negociar opciones para aprovecharse de movimientos comunes.

Precio de la opción Antes de aventurarse en el mundo de las opciones de negociación, los inversores deben tener una buena comprensión de los factores que determinan el valor de una opción. Estos incluyen el precio actual de la acción, el valor intrínseco. El tiempo hasta la expiración o el valor del tiempo. volatilidad. Tasas de interés y dividendos en efectivo pagados. (Si no conoce estos bloques de construcción, consulte nuestros tutoriales de opciones básicas y opciones de precios.)

Existen varios modelos de precios de opciones que usan estos parámetros para determinar el valor justo de mercado de la opción. De éstos, el modelo de Black-Scholes es el más utilizado. De muchas maneras, las opciones son como cualquier otra inversión en la que usted necesita para entender lo que determina su precio con el fin de utilizarlos para tomar ventaja de mueve el mercado.

Principales conductores del precio de una opción Comencemos con los factores principales del precio de una opción: el precio actual de la acción, el valor intrínseco, el tiempo hasta el vencimiento o el valor del tiempo y la volatilidad. El precio actual de las acciones es bastante obvio. El movimiento del precio del stock hacia arriba o hacia abajo tiene un efecto directo, aunque no igual, sobre el precio de la opción. A medida que el precio de una acción sube, más probable es que el precio de una opción de compra aumentará y el precio de una opción de venta caerá. Si el precio de la acción baja, entonces lo más probable es que ocurra lo contrario al precio de las llamadas y puts. (Para la lectura relacionada, vea ESOs: Usando el modelo Black-Scholes.)

Valor Intrínseco El valor intrínseco es el valor que cualquier opción dada tendría si se ejerciera hoy. Básicamente, el valor intrínseco es la cantidad por la cual el precio de ejercicio de una opción está en el dinero. Es la parte del precio de una opción que no se pierde debido al paso del tiempo. Las siguientes ecuaciones se pueden utilizar para calcular el valor intrínseco de una opción de compra o de venta:

Opción de Compra Valor Intrínseco = Precio Actual de Acciones Subyacentes - Precio de Venta

Put Option Intrinsic Value = Precio de Venta - Precio Actual de Acciones Subyacentes

El valor intrínseco de una opción refleja la ventaja financiera efectiva que resultaría del ejercicio inmediato de esa opción. Básicamente, es el valor mínimo de una opción. Las opciones que negocian con el dinero o con el dinero no tienen valor intrínseco.

Por ejemplo, digamos que las acciones de General Electric (GE) se están vendiendo a 34,80 dólares. La opción de compra de GE 30 tendría un valor intrínseco de $ 4.80 ($ 34.80 - $ 30 = $ 4.80) porque el titular de la opción puede ejercer su opción de comprar acciones de GE a $ 30 y luego girar y venderlas automáticamente en el mercado por $ 34.80 - una ganancia de $ 4.80. En un ejemplo diferente, la opción de llamada de GE 35 tendría un valor intrínseco cero ($ 34.80 - $ 35 = - $ 0.20) porque el valor intrínseco no puede ser negativo. También es importante tener en cuenta que el valor intrínseco también funciona de la misma manera para una opción de venta. Por ejemplo, una opción de venta de GE 30 tendría un valor intrínseco de cero ($ 30 - $ 34.80 = - $ 4.80) porque el valor intrínseco no puede ser negativo. Por otro lado, una opción de venta de GE 35 tendría un valor intrínseco de $ 0.20 ($ 35 - $ 34.80 = $ 0.20).

Valor de Tiempo El valor de tiempo de las opciones es el monto por el cual el precio de cualquier opción excede el valor intrínseco. Está directamente relacionado con cuánto tiempo tiene una opción hasta que expira, así como la volatilidad de la acción. La fórmula para calcular el valor de tiempo de una opción es:

Valor de Tiempo = Precio de Opción - Valor Intrínseco

Cuanto más tiempo tenga una opción hasta que expire, mayor será la probabilidad de que termine en el dinero. El componente de tiempo de una opción disminuye exponencialmente. La derivación real del valor temporal de una opción es una ecuación bastante compleja. Como regla general, una opción perderá un tercio de su valor durante la primera mitad de su vida y dos tercios durante la segunda mitad de su vida. Este es un concepto importante para los inversionistas de valores, ya que cuanto más cerca se llega a la expiración, más de un movimiento en la seguridad subyacente es necesario para impactar el precio de la opción. El valor de tiempo se refiere a menudo como valor extrínseco. (Para obtener más información, lea La importancia del valor de tiempo.)

El valor de tiempo es básicamente la prima de riesgo que el vendedor de la opción requiere para proporcionar al comprador de la opción el derecho a comprar / vender el stock hasta la fecha en que expire la opción. Es como una prima de seguro de la opción; Cuanto mayor sea el riesgo, mayor será el costo de comprar la opción.

Mirando de nuevo el ejemplo de arriba, si GE está negociando a $ 34.80 y la opción de compra de un mes a la expiración de GE 30 se cotiza a $ 5, el valor de tiempo de la opción es $ 0.20 ($ 5.00 - $ 4.80 = $ 0.20). Mientras tanto, con GE negociando a $ 34.80, una opción de compra de GE 30 que negocia en $ 6.85 con nueve meses a la expiración tiene un valor de tiempo de $ 2.05. ($ 6.85 - $ 4.80 = $ 2.05). Observe que el valor intrínseco es el mismo y toda la diferencia en el precio de la misma opción de precio de ejercicio es el valor de tiempo.

El valor de tiempo de una opción también depende en gran medida de la volatilidad en que el mercado espera que la acción se muestre hasta su vencimiento. Para las acciones en las que el mercado no espera que la acción se mueva mucho, el valor temporal de la opción será relativamente bajo. Lo contrario es cierto para las poblaciones más volátiles o aquellos con una beta alta. Debido principalmente a la incertidumbre del precio de la acción antes de que expire la opción. En la siguiente tabla, puede ver el ejemplo de GE que ya se ha discutido. Muestra el precio de negociación de GE, varios precios de ejercicio y los valores intrínsecos y de tiempo para las opciones de compra y venta.

General Electric se considera una acción con baja volatilidad con una beta de 0,49 para este ejemplo.

Amazon. com Inc. (AMZN) es una acción mucho más volátil con una beta de 3,47 (ver Figura 2). Compare la opción de compra de GE 35 con nueve meses de vencimiento con la opción de compra de AMZN 40 con nueve meses de vencimiento. GE tiene sólo $ 0.20 para moverse hacia arriba antes de que esté en el dinero, mientras que AMZN tiene $ 1.30 mover para arriba antes de que esté en el dinero. El valor temporal de estas opciones es de $ 3.70 para GE y $ 7.50 para AMZN, indicando una prima significativa en la opción de AMZN debido a la naturaleza volátil de la acción de AMZN.

Figura 2: Amazon. com (AMZN)

This makes - an option seller of GE will not expect to get a substantial premium because the buyers do not expect the price of the stock to move significantly. On the other hand, the seller of an AMZN option can expect to receive a higher premium due to the volatile nature of the AMZN stock. Basically, when the market believes a stock will be very volatile, the time value of the option rises. On the other hand, when the market believes a stock will be less volatile, the time value of the option falls. It is this expectation by the market of a stock's future volatility that is key to the price of options. (Keep reading on this subject in The ABCs Of Option Volatility .)

The effect of volatility is mostly subjective and it is difficult to quantify. Fortunately, there are several calculators that can be used to help estimate volatility. To make this even more interesting, there are also several types of volatility - with implied and historical being the most noted. When investors look at the volatility in the past, it is called either historical volatility or statistical volatility. Historical Volatility helps you determine the possible magnitude of future moves of the underlying stock. Statistically, two-thirds of all occurrences of a stock price will happen within plus or minus one standard deviation of the stocks' move over a set time period. Historical volatility looks back in time to show how volatile the market has been. This helps options investors to determine which exercise price is most appropriate to choose for the particular strategy they have in mind. (To read more about volatility, see Using Historical Volatility To Gauge Future Risk . and The Uses And Limits Of Volatility .)

Implied volatility is what is implied by the current market prices and is used with the theoretical models. It helps to set the current price of an existing option and assists option players to assess the potential of an option trade. Implied volatility measures what option traders expect future volatility will be. As such, implied volatility is an indicator of the current sentiment of the market. This sentiment will be reflected in the price of the options helping options traders to assess the future volatility of the option and the stock based on current option prices.

The Bottom Line A stock investor who is interested in using options to capture a potential move in a stock must understand how options are priced. Besides the underlying price of the stock, the key determinates of the price of an option are its intrinsic value - the amount by which the strike price of an option is in-the-money - and its time value. Time value is related to how much time an option has until it expires and the option's volatility. Volatility is of particular interest to a stock trader wishing to use options to gain an added advantage. Historical volatility provides the investor a relative perspective of how volatility impacts options prices, while current option pricing provides the implied volatility that the market currently expects in the future. Knowing the current and expected volatility that is in the price of an option is essential for any investor that wants to take advantage of the movement of a stock's price.

When you’re ready to move beyond the basics of investing, it’s time to learn your options.

A derivative investment is one in which the investor does not own the underlying asset, but instead bets on the asset’s price movement with another party.

Here is a quick introduction to four options strategies that traders should know.

A zero-sum game is a situation in which one person’s gain equals another’s loss, resulting in a net benefit of zero.

In options trading, theta measures the daily rate of decline in an option’s value as it nears its expiration date.

Investors can make money on a falling stock by going long on a put.

Delta, gamma, theta and vega are “the Greeks,” and they provide a way to measure the sensitivity of an option’s price.

Learn about the most effective S&P 500 hedging strategies available to protect a portfolio during steep corrections and long-term bear markets.

Interest rate risk stems from the possibility that an interest-bearing asset’s value will change due to changing interest rates.

The primary drivers of an option’s price are the underlying stock’s current price, the option’s intrinsic value, its time to expiration and volatility.

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Options / Warrants Calculator

The theoretical value of an option is affected by a number of factors such as the underlying stock price/index level, strike price, volatility, interest rate, dividend and time to expiry.

More This calculator can be used to compute the theoretical value of an option or warrant by inputting different variables. How the theoretical value may vary with changes to the input variables can also be found.

Please note that this calculator is an educational tool intended to help individuals learn how options and warrants work. The actual market environment may not be the same as what the theoretical models assume. Users of this calculator should not make investment decisions based upon values generated by it only.

Options / Warrants Background Information

For default data: #Implied volatility (IV) is calculated from last traded price of selected option series. If there is no trade of both call and put options during the day, IV from last trading day will be retrieved. *Interest Rate and Dividend information are provided by Reuters. Dividend information includes both actual and forecast values. ^Exercise style of Stock Options listed on HKEX is American style. Binomial model is used to evaluate American style option.

There is no exdividend date between the value date and expiry date

Some value of the input is not a valid number. Please input again!

Stock Option Profit Calculator Software Option Profit Calculator

Option Profit Calculator is a software program for Windows computers that helps you compare stock and option transactions. It allows you to input information about the transactions such as purchase and sale (or execution) dates, purchase and sale prices, and so on. It gives you the actual profit from the transaction if the transaction goes as expected and the potential loss in a worst case scenario. More important, it also gives you an annualized profit, both in terms of dollars and in terms of percentages of your investment, and an annualized potential loss. For example, sell an option for $1.00 that expires in two months and allow it to expire. Your profit would be $100 (because one option actually controls 100 shares) minus your commission fees. If your commission fees were $11.00 flat fee plus $2.00 per option, your profit would be $87.00. Your annualized profit on this two-month transaction would be $87.00 X 6 = $522.00. Assume you needed to have $50.00 on hand to cover the option. This $50.00, plus your $13.00 commission fees, are your total investment. Your rate of return would be $522.00/$63.00, or 8.29% annual rate of return.

Because Option Profit Calculator provides profit and loss information in an annualized format, you can easily compare stock or option transactions for various time periods and various investments. How does selling a one-month call compare to a two-month call? How does buying the stock and selling a covered call compare to a naked call? How does the option on a $100 stock compare to the option on a $10 stock? Option Profit Calculator automatically calculates the profit of the transaction, the time duration your money is tied up, and even factors in your commission fees. It gives you very fast calculations of complex problems. It even stores previous calculations and allows you to see them all together for easy comparisons, and it will print the results if you find that more convenient.

This program is distributed as shareware. This means that you can download the program and try it for free for 30 days. At the end of that time, if you wish to continue using the program, you must pay the registration fee of $25.00 (volume discounts available). To download this program, click here. This will download an install program, opcarc. exe. Once you have downloaded the install program, run it by double clicking on its icon in Windows Explorer or My Computer or running it using the Run function on the Start menu under Windows 95/98/NT/2000/Me/XP. This will install Option Profit Calculator. (Note: If you have any trouble with the download, please click on Alternate Download .)

**** Customization **** If you like this program, but would like to see some improvements or additional features, contact Leithauser Research at Leithauser@aol. com or (386)-738-0418 and describe the addition features you would like to see in this program. If they sound like good ideas, we will add the improvements at no charge. Just part of our customer service!

If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, or problem reports, you can email them to Leithauser Research at Leithauser@aol. com. You can also call Leithauser Research at (386) 738-0418 between the hours of 11 AM and 9 PM Eastern Time or write to:

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Hits since 11/24/2004

The Option Calculator computes a series of theoretical option prices based on the options selected and charts the results.

The inputs to the Option Calculator are:

Price - the underlying stock price

Strike - the strike price of the option

Expiration - the expiration month and year

Historical Volatility - the historical volatility, based on 1 year of price data for the underlying security

Risk Free Interest Rate - the prevailing risk free rate

Annual Yield - the annualized yield of the all regular dividends for the underlying stock. Note: when preloading data, the annual yield may include irregular dividends. Anticipated dividends which have not been declared are assumed to occur on approximately three months after the last dividend. Change this value to adjust for irregular dividends.

Next Ex-Dividend Date - the approximate next ex-dividend date. When the last declared dividend is in the past the next ex-dividend is estimatred to occur 3 months after the last declared date. Change this value to adjust for irregular dividends. The format for the ex-dividend date is "YYYY-MM-DD".

Input items may be preloaded into the calculator using recent data for a selected symbol. To preload the input fields, enter the symbol of an underlying stock or index into the Symbol field and click the "Load Symbol Data" button.

The options calculator will use this data to compute a series of theoretical prices and chart the results.

Individual input items can be modified and the chart can be recomputed. Click the "Calculate" button to use the modified input data to recompute data points and display a new chart.

The default chart shows the theoretical price for the current day, and each subsequent theoretical price through expiration.

Alternately, a data series may be selected by choosing one of the following values from the "Solve For" menu:

Price Change - shows the theoretical price as the price changes. The price will range from 70% to 130% of the price specified in the price field. Change the value in the price field to get a different range of prices.

Volatility Change - show the theoretical price as the historical volatility changes. The volatility will range from 70% to 130% of the volatility specified in the Historical Volatility field.

Days to Expiration - shows the theoretical price as expiration approaches. The range of dates can be adjusted by selecting a different expiration date.

Strikes - the theoretical price is displayed for strike prices varying from 70% to 130% of the selected strike price.

Interest Rate - theoretical prices are charted for interest rates ranging from 1 to 11% in 1/4 point intervals. This is not configurable. Rates are entered as a percentage, i. e. 3.5 represents an annual risk free interest rate of 3.5%.

Annual Yield - theoretical prices are charted for the current day through the selected expiration date, assuming a constant dividend equal to 1/365 of the specified dividend yield will be returned each day until the option expires. Prices are computed using the Black Scholes model. If an ex-dividend is specified for a call, the Roll, Geske, Whaley method for determining the value of an option with a single discrete dividend is used.

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Online Calculators


Black-Scholes is an easy tool that can calculate the fair value of an equity option based on the Black-Scholes (European), Whaley (Quadratic) and Binomial Models along with the Greek sensitivities.

Binomial is an easy tool that can calculate the fair value of an equity option based on the Black-Scholes (European), Whaley (Quadratic) and Binomial Models along with the Greek sensitivities.

Lattice ESO provides the fair value of an employee stock option using an exercise multiple factor.

CEV provides the theoretical value and risk sensitivities of an option using the CEV and CEV Futures models.

Forward Start provides the theoretical value, delta and gamma of an option using the Forward Start model.

Gram-Charlier provides the theoretical value and risk sensitivities of an option using the Gram-Charlier model.

Jump-Diffusion provides the theoretical value and risk sensitivities of an option using the Jump-Diffusion model.

Method of Lines provides the theoretical value and risk sensitivities of an option using the Method of Lines model.


Barrier provides the theoretical value and risk sensitivities of Down & Out, Down & In, Up & Out, and Up & In options.

Spread calculates a spread option will have a payoff equal to the difference between the prices of two assets and a fixed exercise (strike) price.


ProbabilityCalc provides the probabilities to hit lower and higher targets at the end date and at different monitoring basis using Stratonovich or Ito assumption.

VolatilityCalc will easily import and calculate the historical volatility of any time series while also performing other statistical calculations of the data such as skewness, kurtosis and auto-correlation tests.

Learn more about our FinTools XL product that offers an extensive library of functions for financial professionals.

ERI's Black-Scholes Calculator


This online calculator uses the Black-Scholes equation for the fair value of a European call option* on a non-dividend paying stock, as follows:

A European call option can only be exercised on its expiration date. This is in contrast to American options that can be exercised at any time prior to expiration.

A European option is used in order to reduce the variables in the equation. This is acceptable, since most U. S. company stock options are not exercised until their expiration (vesting) date. ¿Por qué? When an employee exercises a call early, he or she forfeits the remaining time value on the call and collects only the intrinsic value.

Disclaimer: This Black-Scholes Calculator is not intended as a basis for trading decisions. No responsibility whatsoever is assumed for its correctness or suitability for any given purpose. Use at your own risk.

To learn more about how to use the Black-Scholes method to place a value on stock options, please see the ERI Distance Learning Center online course Black-Scholes Valuations .

Relevant Black Scholes Definitions (all values are per share)

The Black Scholes Option Pricing Model determines the fair market value of European options but may also be used to value American options*. The actual formula can be viewed here .

Stock Asset Price

A stock's current price, publicly traded or estimated.

Option Strike Price

Predetermined price (by the option writer) at which an option's stock is purchased or sold.

Maturity (Time Until Expiration) *

Time remaining to the option expiration date.

Risk-Free Interest Rate

Current interest rate of short-dated government bonds such as US Treasury bills.

Degree of unpredictable change over time of an option's stock price often expressed as the standard deviation of the stock price.

$US fair market value of an option exercised at expiration. A call option gives the buyer (the option holder) the right to purchase stocks from the seller (the option writer) at the strike price.

$US fair market value of an option exercised at expiration. A put option gives the buyer (the option holder) the right to sell the purchased stocks to the writer of the option at the strike price.

* A European option can only be exercised on the expiration date. An American option may be exercised at any time during the life of the option. However, in most cases, it is acceptable to value an American option using the Black Scholes Model because American options are rarely exercised before the expiration date.


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Many people compare investing and finance to a complicated math class. The sheer amount and type of numbers can be overwhelming. In this section you will find Investopedia's group of calculators is designed to help investors visualize how to achieve their goals and understand the fundamentals of money.

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How to Calculate the Return on an Option

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How to Make an Options Calculator With Microsoft Excel

by Larry Simmons, Demand Media

With Excel, you can create simple calculators that speed up calculations you perform frequently. Among the many calculators that you can create with Excel is one that handles the pricing of options, allowing you to input known variables into the software to determine option worth.

Opciones básicas

An option is a financial instrument in the form of a contract used to buy or sell an equity instrument such as a stock, or exchange fund. The options contract consists of a strike price that sets the buy or sell price of the instrument, and an expiration date on which that price can no longer be obtained. As long as the holder of the option chooses, he can turn in the option for the strike price. If the option was purchased at a price below the strike price, then selling at the strike price leads to a profit. If you purchased the option to buy at the strike price, and the street value of the instrument that you have the option to purchase is above the strike price, then the difference between the value and the strike price is the profit received from the transaction. The closer the strike price is to the street value of the instrument, the less the option costs. The purchase price of the option is called the premium paid.

Microsoft Excel Basics

Using Excel, you can create extensive financial reports, inputting data into a spreadsheet for use by programmed spreadsheet cells to present formulated results based on those inputs. This ability to display formulated results based on user input makes Excel useful as a financial calculator. All that’s needed is to type the known variables of a calculation into previously prepared spreadsheet cells. The result of the formula inputted into a separate spreadsheet is displayed.

Options Pricing Model

Without any add-ons installed, Excel does not have the general financial models to properly price options. In order to create a calculator that can accurately price an option, including market volatility and changing market prices for financial instruments, you’ll need to download an Excel add-on. Make sure to locate an acceptable pricing model for download and inclusion into your Excel workbook for the calculator. One containing the Black-Scholes Options Pricing Model is generally easy to locate from several download sites offering Excel templates and add-ons. Add-on files come in an. xla file extension and require that you place them into the file location of your Microsoft Office library on your hard drive. The library is located in a subdirectory of the installation location of your Office files, typically "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\Library." After the add-on is in place, the needed formulas will be available for use the next time you launch Excel, and you can build the calculator normally.

Building an Excel Options Calculator

In a new workbook, assign separate labeled spreadsheet cells for the price of the financial instrument under option, the strike price of the contract, and the number of days you have remaining until the end of the option. These are the commonly used option variables. Create a cell with the formula that calculates the option price based on the market volatility you entered as well as the interest rate. Open an empty spreadsheet cell and then use the "fx" function key to implement one of the formulas added through the add-on file using one of the documented function shortcuts listed in the text-file read-me downloaded along with the add-on. For example, calculating the price of a European call option may require you to enter a "BS_Call" function from the Black-Scholes pricing model add-on, including the stock price, the days until the option is exercised, the volatility and any other pricing information called for by the particular add-on used. The accompanying read-me text file for the add-on should include all information necessary for the syntax needed to use the add-on formulas within your spreadsheet. After you enter the formula, you can change any of the variables to change the outcomes of the options pricing.

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What is the future value of my employee stock options?

Your company-issued employee stock options may not be 'in-the-money' today but assuming an investment growth rate may be worth some money in the future. Use this calculator to help determine what your employee stock options may be worth assuming a steadily increasing company value.

This information may help you analyze your financial needs. It is based on information and assumptions provided by you regarding your goals, expectations and financial situation. The calculations do not infer that the company assumes any fiduciary duties. The calculations provided should not be construed as financial, legal or tax advice. In addition, such information should not be relied upon as the only source of information. This information is supplied from sources we believe to be reliable but we cannot guarantee its accuracy. Hypothetical illustrations may provide historical or current performance information. Past performance does not guarantee nor indicate future results.

Calculators For Websites

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Taxes Blog




For most folks looking for a job. especially in these tough employment times, the key factor is salary.

But benefits also are nice. The usual workplace offerings are medical insurance and a retirement plan.

And some companies even offer their employees added compensation via stock options.

Employee stock plans that allow workers to get a share of the company were very popular during the high-tech boom of the 1990s. We've all heard the tales of regular Joes and Janes who became Silicon Valley millionaires after cashing in their options.

Stock options are making a bit of a comeback. There's one big problem, though. Options can carry some surprising and hefty tax costs.

A recent national survey by Fidelity Stock Plan Services found that many employees who participated in stock option, stock purchase or restricted stock plans sold their shares without knowing the tax implications of their actions.

While the study found that company stock plans were the second most popular savings vehicle for the surveyed employees (workplace 401(k) s were first), more than half (52 percent) of those surveyed could only "generally" explain their stock plan. Eleven percent said that they could not explain their employee stock plan "at all."

Part of the problem is that there are two types of stock options: incentive stock options, or ISOs, and nonqualified stock options, or NSOs.

ISOs are taxed more favorably. You don't face a tax bill when you exercise them, but pay the Internal Revenue Service depending on your gain when you sell your shares. If you wait at least one year and a day after you purchased the stock options and at least two years since their original grant date, any long-term gain is taxed at the lower capital gains tax rate.

On the other hand, you owe ordinary income tax on NSOs.

Further complicating the matter is that some employees receive both types of options, meaning they need to make sure they handle each properly or pay the tax price.

And don't forget about the possible alternative minimum tax cost of stock options.

Now you understand why I'm not a fan of stock options. My motto when it comes to compensation is "say it with cash."

Judging from the Fidelity survey, a substantial portion of options grantees might be thinking the same thing.

The investment firm found that 35 percent of those surveyed don't know the tax implications of selling their stock. When looking for support in making options decisions, 10 percent said they don't research investment information and another 15 percent said they make all of their decisions on their own.

Only 18 percent told Fidelity pollsters that investment advisers were the first place they go for investment information. One-fifth (20 percent) said they go to brokerage services websites. Another 13 percent turn to friends and family, including their spouse, for investment advice.

My husband's a very smart man, and we make our investment decisions as a couple. But we're also wise enough to know that when it comes to an out-of-the-ordinary financial situation such as stock options, it's time to seek professional help. If we don't, we could end up negating any potential income windfall by paying Uncle Sam more than we should.

Make sure you stay on top of tax news and advice by subscribing to Bankrate's free Weekly Tax Tip newsletter.

You also can follow me on Twitter at @taxtweet .

Monte Carlo Probability Calculator

This option probability calculator can be used to determine the probability the stock will ever break upper and/or lower price limits during the time specified. Most other option probability calculators will only calculate probability at option expiration. In order to manage an option position in real time, you need to know the probability of price hitting your upper and lower price limits any time while you hold the position.

Instructions Get Symbol if you need stock and option data, enter a stock symbol here and a pop up window will appear containing current stock and option prices Trials enter the number of cycles through the time period you want to calculator to perform. Ten thousand is a reasonable number that results in good modeling with a tolerable execution time. In the results section, you can monitor the model's volatility and how closely it matches your entered volatility. Increase the number of trials if there is too much difference between your specified volatility and the model volatility. Asset Price enter the current or starting price of the asset Upside Price enter the price above asset price you want to test Downside Price enter the price below asset price you want to test Volatility enter volatility as a percentage. This can be current volatility or your forecast of volatility. Trading Days enter number of trading days to model. It is assumed there are 5 trading days per week. If you use the calendar, this number will be entered by the program. Annual Trading Days enter number of trading days in a year Interest Rate enter the current risk free interest rate as a percentage. Check Use if asset is stock and uncheck if futures.

You need to upgrade your Flash Player

Stock Option Volatility Trading

A service of Trotter Trading Systems

Wednesday, Mar 16, 2016

Should I exercise my 'in-the-money' stock options?

When your employee stock options become 'in-the-money', where the current price is greater than the strike price, you can choose from one of three basic sell strategies: Exercise your options, then hold the stock for sale at a later date (exercise and hold); hold your options and exercise them later (defer exercise); or exercise your options and immediately sell the stock (exercise and sell). This calculator will help you decide which choice will likely maximize your after-tax profits.

This information may help you analyze your financial needs. It is based on information and assumptions provided by you regarding your goals, expectations and financial situation. The calculations do not infer that the company assumes any fiduciary duties. The calculations provided should not be construed as financial, legal or tax advice. In addition, such information should not be relied upon as the only source of information. This information is supplied from sources we believe to be reliable but we cannot guarantee its accuracy. Hypothetical illustrations may provide historical or current performance information. Past performance does not guarantee nor indicate future results.

Calculators For Websites

After YEARS_TO_CALCULATE MSG_YEAR_LBL your options could be worth ENDING_VALUE1.

Stock Option Values by Year

&QCPQ;1999-2014 KJE Computer Solutions, LLC Financial Calculators at www. javacalc. com (612) 331-2291 1730 New Brighton Blvd. PMB #111 Minneapolis, MN 55413

The financial calculators and information found at www. javacalc. com are made available to you as self-help tools for your independent use and are not intended to provide investment advice. We cannot and do not guarantee their applicability or accuracy in regards to your individual circumstances. All examples are hypothetical and are for illustrative purposes. We encourage you to seek personalized advice from qualified professionals regarding all personal finance issues.

This Financial Calculator requires SUN's Java™ Plug-in. If you see this message you will need to download SUN's Java™ Plug-in. This can be done automatically by clicking the yellow bar at the top of your browser and choosing “Install ActiveX Control”.

You can also get SUN's Javaв„ў Plug-in here: Get the Javaв„ў Plug-in!

For more information about this Plug-in please visit: SUN's Javaв„ў Plug-in For more information about these financial calculators please visit: Financial Calculators from KJE Computer Solutions, LLC


Current stock price Current stock price. If this price is above your option strike price, you are already in the money. If it is currently below the option strike price, your options will not have any value until it exceeds the strike price.

Stock appreciation This is the annual rate of return you expect from the stock underlying your options. Thanks to the leveraged nature of your stock options, once the underlying stock value has exceeded your strike price, the value of your options will increase at an accelerated rate. The actual rate of return is largely dependent on the types of investments you select. The S&P 500® for the 10 years ending Dec. 31st, 2013 had an annual compounded rate of return of 7.3%, including reinvestment of dividends. From January 1970 through the end of 2013, the average annual compounded rate of return for the S&P 500®, including reinvestment of dividends, was approximately 10.6% (source: www. standardandpoors. com). Since 1970, the highest 12-month return was 61% (June 1982 through June 1983). The lowest 12-month return was -43% (March 2008 to March 2009). Savings accounts at a bank may pay as little as 0.25% or less but carry significantly lower risk of loss of principal balances.

It is important to remember that these scenarios are hypothetical and that future rates of return can't be predicted with certainty and that investments that pay higher rates of return are generally subject to higher risk and volatility. The actual rate of return on investments can vary widely over time, especially for long-term investments. This includes the potential loss of principal on your investment. It is not possible to invest directly in an index and the compounded rate of return noted above does not reflect sales charges and other fees that funds and/or investment companies may charge.

Number of options This is the number of stock options you were granted.

Strike price The strike price is the stock price that your options were issued at. The underlying stock price must exceed the strike price for your options to have any value.

Number of years The number of years you expect to hold these options. This can be any number from one to twenty-five.

В©1999-2014 KJE Computer Solutions, LLC Financial Calculators at www. javacalc. com (612) 331-2291 1730 New Brighton Blvd. PMB #111 Minneapolis, MN 55413

The financial calculators and information found at www. javacalc. com are made available to you as self-help tools for your independent use and are not intended to provide investment advice. We cannot and do not guarantee their applicability or accuracy in regards to your individual circumstances. All examples are hypothetical and are for illustrative purposes. We encourage you to seek personalized advice from qualified professionals regarding all personal finance issues.

Black-Scholes Stock Option Valuation Calculator

The tables below calculate estimates of the economic 'Fair Value' of a stock option using the Black-Scholes formula.

Fair Value can be clearly distinguished from Market Value. It requires the assessment of the price that is fair between two specific parties taking into account the respective advantages or disadvantages that each will gain from the transaction.

Although Market Value may meet these criteria, this is not necessarily always the case. Fair Value is frequently used when undertaking due diligence in corporate transactions, where particular synergies between the two parties may mean that the price that is fair between them is higher than the price that might be obtainable on the wider market.

In other words Special Value may be generated. Market Value requires this element of Special Value to be disregarded, but it forms part of the assessment of Fair Value.


This page will help you determine that potential 'Fair Value' of a set of stock options using Black-Scholes.

For example, if you are looking for what the estimated value of a stock option would be at a specific future date, then the Asset Price you enter would be the price you expect the asset to be at the Current Date . The Current Date is the future date at which you want your asset to have your target price. The Expiration Date would be the expiration date of the option contract.

So If you wanted to know what the price of weekly AAPL $450 Call would be expected to be on 3/22/2013, when the options expire on 3/29/2013. And you expect the price of AAPL to be $452.

Why are prices different that market bid/ask? The short answer. Buyers and sellers set the prices based on many things, perceptions of risk, potential news, ect. That's where we look at Implied Volatility.

In financial mathematics, the implied volatility of an option contract is that value of the volatility of the underlying instrument which, when input in an option pricing model (such as Black-Scholes) will return a theoretical value equal to the current market price of the option.

Try putting in the current implied volatility instead of the annualized volatility. You can see that implied volatility is 'implied' from difference between the theoretical price of an option versus the actual pricing created by the market.

If you just want to see what current prices should be theoretically, then input today's date, the current price of the asset, and the expiration date of the contract.


<p>[JavaScript required. To use the calculator, enable JavaScript and refresh page.]</p>

Fill in the blanks Numeric fields should contain no characters except .0123456789 . All others will be converted to spaces. Date fields must contain valid dates.

Click Calculate .

ISO Exercise Calculator

Oy! It took me forever (literally a week, and probably 4 different tries) to get the algebra right on this.

Let's say you have Incentive Stock Options.

When you buy stock through the ISO plan (exercise the options), you have to pay some money to the company. You will also probably owe some Alternative Minimum Tax, proportional to the difference between the strike price and the market price when you exercise the option.

You can sell some shares immediately to offset the purchase price and the AMT liability. You also have to pay income tax on the earnings from the shares you purchase, soooooo

Visión de conjunto

This calculator determines how many stocks you should sell after purchasing an ISO avoid any out of pocket expense for the purchase, regular tax on the sale and AMT on the shares held.

When you purchase stocks through an ISO, you owe no income tax on the difference between your strike price and the market price on the date you purchase.

However, that difference (the spread) *is* considered income for calculating AMT. The rules are such that any reasonably-sized purchase through an ISO will probaby trigger AMT.

If you sell the stock purchased in the same tax year as the purchase, the profits are taxed as regular income, without any AMT consequences.

This calculator is way too simple to accurately calculate AMT. Instead it assumes that you're going to pay AMT on the spread of any options you keep. This is a pessimistic assumption for most tax payers.

I am an accounting hobbyist and not a tax professional. These calculations are just for fun! Don't trust me! Don't blame me! Don't tase me!


Options purchased How many shares you are purchasing Strike price Selling the stock after the end of the holding period Market Price The stock price on the open market on the day that the stock is purchased, and the price at which you sell the stock (a bad assumption, since you'll probably need to wait a day or two to sell). Regular tax rate Your tax rate for ordinary income AMT tax rate The current tax rate for calculating AMT (default 26%, but increases to 28% for income over $175,000 - we're not sophisticated enough or wealthy enough to calculate that yet :).




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Stock Option Calculator

After YEARS_TO_CALCULATE years your options could be worth ENDING_VALUE1.

Stock Option Values by Year

©2002 KJE Computer Solutions, LLC Financial Calculators from www. Dinkytown. net (612) 408-1092 1730 New Brighton Blvd. PMB #111 Minneapolis, MN 55413

KJE Computer Solutions, LLC's information and interactive calculators are made available to you as self-help tools for your independent use. We can not and do not guarantee their accuracy or their applicability to your circumstances. We encourage you to seek personalized advice from qualified professionals regarding all personal finance issues. More Information .

" >This Financial Calculator requires a Browser with Java Support


Current stock price Current stock price. If this price is above your option strike price, you are already in the money. If it is currently below the option strike price, your options will not have any value until it exceeds the strike price.

Stock appreciation This is the annual rate of return you expect from the stock underlying your options. Thanks to the leveraged nature of your stock options, once the underlying stock value has exceeded your strike price, the value of your options will increase at an accelerated rate.

Number of options This is the number of stock options your were granted.

Strike price The strike price is the stock price that your options were issued at. The underlying stock price must exceed the strike price for your options to have any value.

Number of years The number of years you expect to hold these options. This can be any number from one to twenty-five.

©2002 KJE Computer Solutions, LLC Financial Calculators from www. Dinkytown. net (612) 408-1092 1730 New Brighton Blvd. PMB #111 Minneapolis, MN 55413

KJE Computer Solutions, LLC's information and interactive calculators are made available to you as self-help tools for your independent use. We can not and do not guarantee their accuracy or their applicability to your circumstances. We encourage you to seek personalized advice from qualified professionals regarding all personal finance issues. More Information .

Stock Option Calculator

Receiving options for your company's stock can be an incredible benefit. Even after a few years of moderate growth, stock options can produce a handsome return. Use this calculator to determine the value of your stock options for the next one to twenty-five years.

Javascript is required for this calculator. If you are using Internet Explorer, you may need to select to 'Allow Blocked Content' to view this calculator.

For more information about these these financial calculators please visit: Financial Calculators from KJE Computer Solutions, LLC

Information and interactive calculators are made available to you as self-help tools for your independent use and are not intended to provide investment advice. We cannot and do not guarantee their applicability or accuracy in regards to your individual circumstances. All examples are hypothetical and are for illustrative purposes. We encourage you to seek personalized advice from qualified professionals regarding all personal finance issues.

Equity Option Calculator The author and copyright holder for this calculator is Dr. Robert Lum

This calculator works well, except for the dividend. It requires an annual yield and does not allow you to enter individual dividends. That is a minor problem, unless the stock's dividend is large. I suggest making your calculations both with and without the dividend to determine the difference.

A better calculator can be found at the CBOE .

Option Calculator

Given 6 of the 7 fields, this calculator computes the remaining field.

Now that you have found a calculator, do you understand its purpose? If not, read about how the calculator is used to determine the theoretical fair value for an option.

Calculator software by Dr. Robert Lum at robertl@intrepid. com

Standard Deviation Calculator

Capital Discussions, LLC is NOT a Broker Dealer. Capital Discussions, LLC engages in trader education and training. Capital Discussions, LLC offers a number of products and services via the internet at capitaldiscussions. com. Capital Discussions, LLC offers web-based, interactive training courses on demand.

The webinars and seminars given by Capital Discussions, LLC are for educational purposes only . This information neither is, nor should be construed, as an offer, or a solicitation of an offer, to buy or sell securities. You shall be fully responsible for any investment decision you make, and such decisions will be based solely on your evaluation of your financial circumstances, investment objectives, risk tolerance, and liquidity needs.

Las opciones implican riesgos y no son adecuadas para todos los inversores. Prior to buying or selling an option, you must receive a copy of Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options. Copies are available from your broker, by calling 1-888-OPTIONS, or at www. theocc. com. The information on this web site is provided solely for general education and information purposes. No statement should be construed as a recommendation to buy or sell a security or to provide investment advice. You are fully responsible for any investment decisions you make. Such decisions should be based solely on your evaluation of your financial circumstances. Such decisions should be based solely on your evaluation of your financial circumstances, investment objectives, risk tolerance and liquidity needs. Supporting documentation for any claims, comparisons, statistics or other technical data in this presentation is available at Capital Discussions, LLC (info@capitaldiscussions. com).

Los resultados anteriores no son indicativos de resultados futuros. Parameters relating to past performance of strategies discussed are not capable of being duplicated. In order to simplify the computations, slippage, commissions, fees, margin interest and taxes are not included in the examples used on this web site. These costs will impact the outcome of all stock and options transactions and must be considered prior to entering into any transactions. Multiple leg strategies involve multiple commission charges. Brokerage firms may require customers to post higher margins than the minimum margins specified on this web site. Investors should consult their tax advisor about any potential tax consequences. Simulated trading programs are designed with the benefit of hindsight. No representation is being made that any portfolio or trade will, or is likely to, achieve profits or losses similar to those shown. All investments and trades carry risks.

For personal use only. All information on this web site is for your personal, non-commercial use only. Commercial use requires the written permission of Capital Discussions, LLC and may involve licensing fees.

Excel В® Spreadsheet Stock Option Calculator

Kai Reinke has developed an Excel spreadsheet that incorporates an option pricing formula, similar to the Black Scholes model, that allows you to visualize your risk in the market.

Understanding Option Pricing Models

When I first started studying and trading options, I had a difficult time comprehending how my option position would behave in the market. The first time I opened a bull call spread, I sat frustrated watching the stock market climb higher while the value of my option spread sat stagnant.

The source of my frustration, and unprofitability, was a lack of understanding and feel for how options react to market changes. I owned a copy of Sheldon Natenberg's book, Option Volatility and Pricing, but my mind simply could not conceptualize what was written on the page.

Stock Option Analysis Software

Desperate for understanding, I paid for a subscription to a popular stock option analysis program. I used only about 10% of what that option analysis software was capable of doing, but I was transformed as an option trader by that software for one simple reason.

I could see what would happen to my option positions as the market changed!

They say seeing is believing, and for me that was certainly true when it came to option pricing formulas. It allowed me to form a picture in my mind, to conceptualize what was happening to my position over time and with market changes. I began to understand delta, gamma, vega and theta because I could see their effect upon a risk graph.

Can I Afford Option Analysis Software?

I no longer subscribe to that first option analysis service. It was simply too expensive for producing graphs.

After looking at several option analysis platforms, what I can tell you is that most of these analysis platforms have a few key elements in common with each other. Every option analysis program I have seen:

Relies upon the same stock and option chain data;

Utilizes similar option pricing formulas, each derived in some form from the Black Scholes model; y

Provide you with a graphical representation of a stock and option position, i. e. a risk graph.

The more expensive platforms will allow you to access massive volumes of historical stock and option data, perform complex scans for the purpose of identifying potential trade candidates from among the universe of optionable stocks, and also assist in mechanically constructing option positions based upon your market assumptions. These platforms can costs thousands of dollars for the software, data, and maintenance costs.

Many traders cannot afford the cost of these services or do not want to scan through thousands of optionable stocks. For them, these sophisticated pieces of software are overkill and their lofty price tags are not cost justified.

Nonetheless, many traders would benefit from an affordable means of analyzing their option positions.

Kai Reinke's Excel Option Calculator

I can pretty much manage credit spreads and condors without the aid of a risk graph, as the risk graph for these positions are quite similar from one position to the next. However, for diagonal time spreads, and other complicated trades, it helps if I can visualize my risk in the market before opening the trade or making adjustments.

One of our members, Kai Reinke, has developed an Excel В® spreadsheet that will analyze your option positions. I downloaded a copy for myself and began using it side-by-side with a more expensive piece of software while managing time spreads. What I found was that both the spreadsheet and my more expensive software generated comparable information.

Seeing the risk graph allows me to tailor my option position to my view of the market place. I begin with a hypothesis and test it in this virtual options laboratory. My initial thought on how to construct my option position is put to the test, then refined as I tailor the risk curve to suit my needs.

After using Kai's spread sheet tool and comparing its output to more expensive software, I found it to be a useful and reliable tool. The spreadsheet is available for download from Kai Reinke's website, at a very reasonable price. In fact, it's cost is probably equal to the round trip commissions on one trade.

Options Analysis For The Price Of Lunch?

For what it does and the programming involved, the spreadsheet is extraordinarily affordable. Stock and option data is downloaded from free sources on the Internet, so you're not tied into a monthly or annual contract for a data feed. A manual is available both online and as a separate download.

Should you consider picking up a copy? If you are having difficulty understanding why your spreads are behaving as the do, or you would like a tool that helps manage complex spread positions, then take look because for the cost of lunch for two help is but a download away!

Stock Options Analysis Resources

Option Volatility & Pricing Sheldon Natenberg's defacto bible on option pricing and option strategy.

Using Excel Stock Option Calculator See how Kai Reiinke's option calculator was used to plan and adjust a diagonal spread.

Margin Calculators for Options

The margin requirements for option strategies for both Reg T and Portfolio Margin accounts can be complex. For Reg T, the margin is determined using a set of predefined rules. These rules consider different characteristics of the strategy such as: time to expire of the options, whether the option is in or out of the money, whether the option has another option or underlying position hedging the option, type of underlying (stock, index, ETF), and other characteristics. Under Portfolio Margin, the margin requirements are set based on the methodology discussed in other areas of the website.

The bottom line is that with both types of accounts it's not always simple to determine the margin. Therefore, it is useful to verify the margin requirement using a margin calculator. Below we present two different calculators for the two different types of accounts.

Reg T Margin Account Made available by the Chicago Board Options Exchange, this calculator allows you to select from over 30 different option strategies. It calculates the exact margin requirements for a Reg T margin account. Click on the picture below to open the calculator.

Portfolio Margin Account Made available by the Options Clearing Corporation, this calculator allows you to select a portfolio of stock and options positions. It then outputs the exact margin requirements for a Portfolio Margin Account. Click the picture below to open the calculator.

Options are one factor that affects a stock price. other factors are news about a company and overall market sentiment. For example, if a stock posts good earnings and a robust outlook for the next quarter, but the DOW is down 300 points because of oil falling, then it will be difficult for the stock to make gains.

I'm introducing new pages that shows the historical option data. You supply a stock ticker, maturity date and strike price and the page will return the option history. You can choose to view the

The option screener has been showing high volume in the GE options this week. The monthly November 2015 options (11/20/2015) have over 1 million call contracts and 1 million put contracts. Ese

I was recently asked by a visitor to this website to demonstrate how to calculate max pain for a specific ticker and expiration. The ticker was the SPY ETF and last Friday 12/12/14 was the option

Today maximum pain is re-launching two pages. They are the max pain history page and high open interest page. Back on July 1st 2015 we began storing the daily option data for the stocks of the S&P 500.

Open Interest walls or OI walls are similar concept to max pain. Both rely on the option writer, which is the market maker, hedging the options he wrote. For max pain, you use the cash value at each

I've traded AAPL successfully throughout 2014 using the principals of max pain. Or more accurately, the Poormans algorithm. That algorithm relies on the same basic idea, that when investors buy option

This is a free spreadsheet that downloads free historical stock data from the Yahoo database into the spreadsheet and calculates the. CALL. 8500 to speak with a qualified INVESTMENT ADVISORFinancial Calculators you can put on your website! Colorful, interactive, graphing financial calculators . Annualized Buy Calculate Calculator CompareContact Investor Solutions today for a no obligation consultation at info@investorsolutions. Receiving options for your company’s stock can be an incredible benefit. Calculator can use three option pricing models. Call 1. Pocket Charts is a sophisticated charting application for the Pocket PC operating system. netCuteTrader – Portfolio Builder/Analyzer 1. Derives implied volatility 4. All articles related to stock option calculator written by Suite101 experts – enter curiousReceiving options for your company’s stock can be an incredible benefit. dinkytown. 30. Find the ADP products and services that best fit your company’s needs. ADP, ext. Лицензия ЕС. 2503Androlib in your Gtalk. new (beta) You can now search Android apps from your Gtalk with our AndroLib Gtalk Bot. ОбучениеEmployees receiving a stream of stock option grants over a period of years can be an incredible benefit. 411. Опционы на валюту, индексы, золото, нефть. popweb. Information and links relating to Stock Option Calculator . The position profits when the stock price rises. Call 1. Download stock option freeware. Related Keywords. Опционы на валюту, индексы, золото, нефть. ADP, ext. Graphical, multi-leg complex option calculator . The call buyer has limited. # of Employees:The purpose of the Annual Stock Option Grants Calculator is to help illustrate how the value of annual stock option grants can improve over time. It enables you to quickly download stock /index price data off the. Investor Solutions provides innovative. Even after a few years of moderate growth, stock options can produce a handsome return. Опционы на валюту, индексы, золото, нефть. 508. # of Employees:The purpose of the Annual Stock Option Grants Calculator is to help illustrate how the value of annual stock option grants can improve over time. 800. The Sink or Swim Retirement Guide was developed by INVESTOR SOLUTIONS, a registered investment advisor located in Coconut Grove, Florida. Use this calculator to project how much a series of annual stock option . Calculates option Greeks( Delta, Gamma, Vega, Theta, Rho) 3. Even after a few years of moderate growth, stock options can produce a handsome return. Find the ADP products and services that best fit your company’s needs. Chart puts, calls, spreads, straddles, strangles. dinkytown. netTop free stock option simulator downloads. Computes European call and put price using Black-Scholes model 2. com or call 800. Free option pricing calculator to determine Call Price. Put Price. Gamma, Delta. Theta. Vega. Implied Volatility. Black-Scholes Option price. Binomial American option price. ОбучениеGet a Payroll Price Quote. CuteTrader Portfolio Builder/Analyzer: A tedious but vital trading task now made very simple! A robust globally diversified portfolio. Call for Stock Signal Pro Demo or Order Toll Free 800. Лицензия ЕС. Лицензия ЕС. Get a Payroll Price Quote. Just add in your Gtalk contacts, type your query, and the search. 862. 800. Обучение1. Лицензия ЕС. CALL. 411. Опционы на валюту, индексы, золото, нефть. Financial Calculators . 1998-2007 KJE Computer Solutions, LLC. For more information please see ОбучениеHome > Financial Calculators > Stock Option Calculator Stock Option Calculator . Free downloads! Free trials! Mortgage calculators . retirement, home budget. calculator ; current stock price; price; rate of return; stock ; stock option calculator ; stock options ; stock price; strike price; the strike; BloggerFinancial Calculators . ©1998-2005 KJE Computer Solutions, LLC. Covered Call Calculator that calculates static and assigned returns based on stock price, call strike and call priceAssess before you invest with a stock options calculator Download stock option shareware, freeware. 1. For more information please see Pocket Charts 1. qc. ca: popular web |This free option pricing calculator can be used to calculate . Call Price, Put Price, Gamma, Delta, Theta, Vega, Implied Volatility. Receiving options for your company’s stock can be an incredible benefit. Accepts dividend

Like this:


Hardware and software requirements, installation

- Does the Excel Option Calculator run with OpenOffice? Unfortunately not. OpenOffice does not support Excel Visual Basic macros, which the Option Calculator uses a lot.

- Does it run on an Apple Macintosh? With the new option tickers as of February 2010 I am making a lot of changes to the program all the time. Since I can not do it all twice, at this moment the calculator is only Windows compatible.

- Do I need to install anything? The only thing you need is Microsoft Excel 2002 or newer, no further installations are required. The Option Calculator itself is not an add-in for installing, it is an. xls or. xslm file that opens in Excel.

- I want to use the program on two computers, is this possible? Por supuesto. In fact the idea is to save every trade which you are analyzing under a different name, in a separate file. This can be on more than one computer, for example your home and your office computer. Please respect my copyright, though. The Excel Option Calculator should only be used by the person who has bought it and by people in the same household.

- When I open the Option Calculator file I get a warning message by Excel which says that macros are disabled and that a lower macro security level is not recommended. ¿Que debería hacer? For the Option Calculator to be fully functional the macro security level needs to be adjusted. In Excel 2002 and 2003: Tools - Macro - Security - Medium. In Excel 2007 and 2010: Excel Options - Trust Center - Trust Center Settings - Enable all macros.

Program features

- Does your Option Calculator handle options on futures or options in other markets (Australia / Singapore / Hongkong / EUREX / Forex / etc.)? Yes and no. You can enter a position manually and draw the risk and greeks graphs of pretty much any kind of option position. For options on futures you can specify the multiplier of the option contract. However the automatic retrieval of underlying and option data from the Internet only is possible for U. S. stock and index options.

- Where does the program get data from? Is it free? Do I need a subscription? Everything is free, no subscriptions or registrations are required. Yahoo! Finance and the CBOE website are the data sources.

- Will the program tell me which options I should buy? Does it tell me which options are underpriced / overpriced? Tools like the Statistical Volatility Analysis will help you with your decisions, but above all the Option Calculator is a risk management and analysis tool. Option trading is complex, and without a tool to visualize and analyze your risks you are flying blind. The truth is - while there is such a thing as an educated guess - that nobody knows for sure if an option is over - or underpriced. Whoever is claiming the opposite trying to sell you tools or newsletters is misleading you.

- What is the difference between quoted price and model price? Where does the model price come from? The role of the "model price" on the "position" sheet is the following: When you retrieve prices from Yahoo/CBOE they get entered into the quoted price column. The program then automatically recalculates the options' implied volatility (IV) and models option prices and the greeks. In the end quoted price and model price should be the same. If you enter the quoted prices manually, please click on the small IV buttons or on "all IVs" to calculate IV and make the model price equal to the quoted price. The risk and greeks graphs are based on the modeled IVs and greeks on the position sheet.

- Which option pricing model does the Excel Option Calculator use? The Black-Scholes pricing model with dividends is used.

Problems and errors

- When I retrieve price data from the Internet I get a type "mismatch error" and there are #VALUE! errors everywhere. The price data from the Internet has decimal points, but your Excel uses decimal commas. You need to change this under Tools - Options - International (Excel 2007-2010: Excel Options - Advanced): Select points as the decimal separator and commas as the thousands separator.

- I am trying to retrieve price data from Yahoo! but all I get is zeros. Some hours before the markets open Yahoo! sets all option prices to zero. 15-20 minutes after the markets open delayed market data can be retrieved again.

- I am trying to retrieve option tickers for the SPX index, but it does not work. For some reason Yahoo! (which is where the tickers are taken from) has removed SPX option chains a few months ago. I suspect this has to do with the introduction of weekly SPX options. As long as Yahoo! does not resume SPX option chains, please look up the option tickers on the CBOE website (quote. cboe. com) or your broker, and enter them manually. Yahoo! DOES provide single SPX option quotes, just not the chain.

- What is this sheet "retriever_temp" that has suddenly appeared? There are now two more sheets called "calc1" and "calc2", why is that? This happens when a macro is ended before finishing all its tasks, for example when a macro that connects to the Internet is timed out because the computer is not online. The sheet "retriever_temp" can be deleted or ignored - after the next successful data retrieval from the web it will be deleted automatically. The sheets "calc1" and "calc2" are essential, they contain all the heavy duty calculations and are normally hidden. Just ignore them, running a macro that calculates something will hide them again.

Purchase and payment

- You say updates are included, for how long? I will email you updates which contain new features and support notes for up to two years after purchase. This does not necessarily mean that the program will be unusable after two years, it should work just fine. I will try to keep older versions functional, but I can not guarantee support beyond the two-year free update period.

- I bought more than two years ago and would like to get the newest version, do I need to purchase the program again at full price, or do you have a special offer for me? Everybody who has ever bought Version 10 or later can receive the newest version and two more years of free updates for only $25, please write me a quick e-mail and I will send you a payment link (for credit card and PayPal). After successful payment you'll be automatically redirected to a page where you can download the newest version.

- I am just starting out, can you give me a discount? I am sorry, but I do not give discounts on request.

- I don't have PayPal, are there other payment methods? Please see the payment methods on the buying page .

- Can I mail you a check or money order? Sorry, the only accepted payment methods are those specified on the buying page .

- Do I need to get in touch with you before buying? It is not necessary to write me an e-mail before buying. When you buy the Excel Option Calculator and successfully pay by credit card or PayPal, you will be automatically redirected to a page where you can download the Excel Option Calculator.

- How do you deliver the program? Can you send me a CD with the Excel Option Calculator? Delivery is via e-mail or download only.

- How big is the file? My Internet connection is not so fast. The download file is about 2MB. Even on a slow connection it should not take very long to download the file.


- Do you provide support for your program if I have a problem? Sure, I am always available for your questions. Please check out the rest of the FAQ and the [?] help buttons throughout the Option Calculator first, but if you don't find an answer to your question, don't hesitate to Contact me. I do not provide personal trading advice.

Stock Option Calculator (Canadian)

Receiving options for your company's stock can be an incredible benefit. Even after a few years of moderate growth, stock options can produce a handsome return. Use this calculator to determine the value of your stock options for the next one to twenty-five years.

Javascript is required for this calculator. If you are using Internet Explorer, you may need to select to 'Allow Blocked Content' to view this calculator.

For more information about these these financial calculators please visit: Financial Calculators from KJE Computer Solutions, LLC

Information and interactive calculators are made available to you as self-help tools for your independent use and are not intended to provide investment advice. We cannot and do not guarantee their applicability or accuracy in regards to your individual circumstances. All examples are hypothetical and are for illustrative purposes. We encourage you to seek personalized advice from qualified professionals regarding all personal finance issues.

Stock Option Spread Calculator

Knowing and understanding your risk, and managing it well, are the pillars upon which successful option trading are based. If you do not understand your risk, you can never hope to be a profitable trader. It is all about risk management.

Calculating Vertical Spreads, Butterflies and the Iron Condor

Kent Shaw has made his Stock Option Spread Calculator Excel В® spreadsheet available to members of TheOptionClub. com, on a complimentary basis. The spreadsheet is configured to handle vertical spreads, butterflies, and iron condors.

Kent Shaw Is Giving It Away.

Please feel free to download the spreadsheet, but note that you use it at your own risk as Kent Shaw, nor TheOptionClub, can guarantee that it is error free.

If you do find errors, please post them on our Yahoo! Group discussion board so that we can make sure the information gets back to Kent and the spread sheet updated. Also, please let us know if you find this option trading tool helpful.

Kent Shaw is a frequent participant on our discussion board, so if you have comments or questions about the spread sheet, posting a message on the board is a good way of getting in touch with him.

Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options

How to Calculate Basis When Exercising a Call Option

Más artículos

In investing, your cost basis is your initial input of money, and comparing this number to your sell price tells you whether or not you have a gain or a loss. If you trade using call options -- contracts that give you the right to buy an asset at a particular price -- the cost basis calculation is a bit more complicated. It's even more important than with standard stock trades, however, as the cost of the call affects your profit if you decide exercise it.

Call Option Cost Basis

All call options have their own cost basis, which includes the premium price -- the cost of the contract -- plus any fees and commissions you pay to execute the purchase. If you exercise the call -- use it to buy stock -- you add this cost basis to the basis of the shares you buy. If you allow the option to expire without exercising it, you can write off the cost as a loss on your taxes for the year.

Cost of Stock Purchased With a Call Option

The cost of a stock is the price per share plus any fees and commissions you pay when you buy and sell the asset. When you use a call option to purchase shares of stock, add the cost of the call option to the cost basis of the stock.

"In the Money" Calls

A call option is typically referred to as "in the money" if its strike price is greater than the current trading price for the underlying stock, meaning that you can buy the stock for less if you exercise the option than if you purchased it direct. Remember that this calculation is a strict price-to-price comparison, and it does not include the premium you paid for the call contract, or any fees and commissions. Add your cost basis on the call contract to the strike price to determine what the actual cost of the stock will be for you and ensure you're really "in the money."

Tax Reporting

Report gains or losses on stock purchased with call options just like you would an ordinary stock trade, using Internal Revenue Service Form 8949 and Form 1040, Schedule D. You may also use these forms to report any gains or losses you get from trading the options themselves or options expirations. Note that the rules for cost basis and reporting may change if you employ complex trading strategies, such as straddles. Review IRS Publication 550 or speak with a professional tax preparer to ensure accuracy at tax time.

About the Author

Nola Moore is a writer and editor based in Los Angeles, Calif. She has more than 20 years of experience working in and writing about finance and small business. She has a Bachelor of Science in retail merchandising. Her clients include The Motley Fool, Proctor and Gamble and NYSE Euronext.

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Options Profit Calculator

I have a question on the options profit calculator on www. optionsprofitcalculator. com.

So I was looking at a certain stock - specifically CSC. The stock price today is $42 a share. Let's say I was going to buy a $44 call option expiring January 19, 2013.

I put this in the calculator and by the 19th, if the stock price goes up to $46.25, I will get a return of 1150% return.

Are these calculators accurate? I'm planning on doing a Feb call option however, not many people trade this stock and the volume/OI is very little. The Feb $44 call option has no volume and 26 OI according to this:

Does this mean that if no one buys these options, the premium of the contracts will not increase? Hope my question makes sense.

¡Gracias por adelantado!

No volume means the bid and ask will be very far from each other ie a big spread.

This is an option that will expire on Friday, so if you buy it and the stock does not close above $44, that option is worth zero.

Originally Posted by eternalx88

I have a question on the options profit calculator on www. optionsprofitcalculator. com.

So I was looking at a certain stock - specifically CSC. The stock price today is $42 a share. Let's say I was going to buy a $44 call option expiring January 19, 2013.

I put this in the calculator and by the 19th, if the stock price goes up to $46.25, I will get a return of 1150% return.

Are these calculators accurate? I'm planning on doing a Feb call option however, not many people trade this stock and the volume/OI is very little. The Feb $44 call option has no volume and 26 OI according to this:

Does this mean that if no one buys these options, the premium of the contracts will not increase? Hope my question makes sense.

¡Gracias por adelantado!

I didn't check the CSC options. But I checked an option I'm currently holding and compared it to my broker's option calculator and they are the same.

So to answer your question, yes they seem to be accurate.

The spread is usually more important than the volume/OI if you're trying to figure out whether or not to trade it. Like Gil said, if there's no liquidity then the spread is probably bad and it will be hard to sell them.

But, I've seen options with little to no volume that have tight spreads. So check what the bid/ask is on all the strikes. If there's a good small spread then you can probably trade it with ease.

How to (Always) Know What Your Stock Options Are Worth

As hugely popular as stock options have become in recent years as a means of drawing top talent to new companies, they also remain one of the least understood facets of business.

According to a 2010 National Opinion Research Center survey, 56 percent of employees in computer industries held stock options in their company, and nearly a quarter of all employees working for companies with stock held some equity. Yet another recent survey showed that 39 percent of employees with stock options say they know little or nothing about their own equity, or the tax implications that come with them.

The truth is, by and large, most people have little idea what their options are worth, how and when they should exercise those options, or any of the other details associated with this complex instrument of compensation. HR departments still tend to simply hand over a packet of legal docs and hope you can make your way through the fine print. For employees, those stock options are like baseball cards in the attic — you know they’re worth something, but have no clue how much.

It’s not hard to find a stock option “calculator” online — but those tools tend to be aimed at financial smartypants-types who already know the terms and variables. Personal Capital’s new stock option tracker. on the other hand, has much broader appeal and utility for anyone with options who wants a visual explanation of what they own and what it’s worth. The tracker lets users track the current and projected value of their stock options, whether or not their company has gone public — giving them a clear picture of their total net worth.

It’s easy to set up. All you need is the name of your company (it works for both public and private companies), and the vesting start date (usually when you started). Then you need four other numbers: the exercise price, the current price, your total shares, and the vesting schedule. To add your options to your Personal Capital Dashboard, add an account using the “+” icon in the top left of the Navigation Bar and clicking “More,” then selecting “Custom Stock Options.” After you enter your information, you can see the current value of your options, how many have been vested, and even what they might be worth at a given share price. For instance, your can see what their options would be worth if your company’s shares jumped to $100. Dream big!

More importantly, the stock tracker never requires you to upload this info again. Even if your options have a one-year cliff — in which the valuation would be zero until they start vesting after 12 months — you’ll never have to go searching through a bunch of old paperwork to figure out the call price or vesting date. It’s all saved on your Dashboard.

The option tracker can also track restricted stock units, or RSUs: Just create a stock option account with your company name and its ticker code, if one exists. Then enter the grant date for the RSU, and enter a strike price of zero, since the value of the RSU is its price on the day it vests. From there, you can create a custom vesting schedule to match your RSU options — many RSUs have a three - or four-year vesting calendar with a one-year cliff. And voila . Suddenly you have a real look into the most valuable part of your compensation.

This doesn’t work anymore. I can’t click on “Done” if the price is set to 0. As long as it’s, at least. 01 it works fine.

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Renuncia. This communication and all data are for informational purposes only and do not constitute a recommendation to buy or sell securities. You should not rely on this information as the primary basis of your investment, financial, or tax planning decisions. You should consult your legal or tax professional regarding your specific situation. Third party data is obtained from sources believed to be reliable. However, PCAC cannot guarantee that data's currency, accuracy, timeliness, completeness or fitness for any particular purpose. Certain sections of this commentary may contain forward-looking statements that are based on our reasonable expectations, estimate, projections and assumptions. Forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve certain risks and uncertainties, which are difficult to predict. Past performance is not a guarantee of future return, nor is it necessarily indicative of future performance. Keep in mind investing involves risk. The value of your investment will fluctuate over time and you may gain or lose money.

Next in Personal Capital News

A Financial Dashboard That Puts You in the Driver's Seat

Featuring 40 options strategies for bulls, bears, rookies, all-stars and everyone in between

Keeping an Eye on Position Delta

In Meet the Greeks we discussed how delta affects the value of individual options. Now let’s have a look at how you can take delta to the next level. “Position delta” enables you to keep track of the net delta effect on an entire gaggle of options that are based on the same underlying stock.

Think of position delta this way: options act as a substitute for a certain number of shares of the underlying stock. For any option position on one specific stock, you can add up the deltas of all the option contracts and п¬Ѓgure out how many shares of stock the entire gaggle of securities is acting like. That way, you’ll always know off the top of your head how it should react when the stock makes a one-point move in either direction.

How Options act as a substitute for shares of Stock

A single call contract with a delta of .01 is a substitute for one share of stock. Here’s why.

If the stock price goes up $1, the call should go up by one penny. But generally speaking, an option contract will represent 100 shares of stock. So you need to multiply the delta by 100 shares: $.01 x 100 = $1.

That means if the price of the stock increases $1, the value of your call position should also increase $1. So in essence, it’s behaving like one share of stock.

Owning a single call contract with a delta of .50 is similar to owning 50 shares. When the underlying stock goes up $1, the value of the option should increase by $.50. So the value of the overall position will increase by $50. ($.50 x 100 share multiplier = $50.)

It works the same way with puts, but keep in mind that puts have a negative delta. So if you own a put contract with a delta of -.50, it would act like a short position of 50 shares. If the underlying stock goes down $1, the value of the option position should go up $50.

Calculating Position Delta for a single-leg strategy with multiple contracts

Example 1:

Here’s an example. Say you own 10 contracts of XYZ calls, each with a delta of .75. To calculate position delta, multiply .75 x 100 (assuming each contract represents 100 shares) x 10 contracts. This gives you a result of 750.

That means your call options are acting as a substitute for 750 shares of the underlying stock. So you can п¬Ѓgure if the stock goes up $1, the position will increase roughly $750. If the underlying stock goes down $1, the position will decrease roughly $750.

Calculating Position Delta for multiple legs and multiple strategies

Much of the time your option strategies will be more complex than a few call options with the same strike price. You might use multi-leg strategies, and you might even run different strategies on the same underlying stock at the same time.

Each of those strategies might involve options with different strike prices and expiration dates. For example, you might wind up running an iron condor and a long calendar spread with calls simultaneously on the same underlying stock.

The deltas of some individual options in the complete option position will be positive and some will be negative. But even if the strategies you’re running are complex, one glance at position delta can give you a feel for how the value of the position should change if the stock moves one point in either direction.

Example 2:

We don’t want to clutter up this section by doing the math across six or seven different legs among several strategies. So let’s look at an easy example of how you calculate position delta for a simple multi-leg strategy. For instance, consider a long call spread with two legs.

Example 2 shows the details of an XYZ long call spread with a long 55-strike and a short 60-strike, both with the same expiration date. Imagine that with the stock trading at $56.55, we bought 15 contracts of 55-strike calls with a delta of .61 and we sold 15 contracts of 60-strike calls with a delta of .29.

Calculating Leg 1

The delta of the 55-strike call is .61. So to determine the total delta, we multiply .61 x 100 share multiplier x 15 contracts. That equals 915.

Calculating Leg 2

The delta of the 60-strike call is .29. However, since you’re selling the calls, for this part of your position the delta will actually be negative: -0.29. So the short 60 calls’ total delta is -.29 x 100 share multiplier x 15 contracts. That equals -435.

Calculating Total Position Delta

Now you simply add the deltas from each leg together to determine your position delta: 915 + (-435) = 480. So the theoretical change in position value based on a $1 move in the underlying stock is $480. Therefore, the total value of this position will behave like 480 shares of stock XYZ.

How position delta helps you to manage your risk

Your net position delta for options on any underlying stock represents your current risk relative to a change in the stock price. In the long call spread example, you’d need to ask yourself if you’re comfortable with having the same risk as being long 480 shares of XYZ stock. If not, you may want to attend to that risk. You can do so by closing out part of your position or by adding negative deltas, perhaps by buying puts or selling stock short.

The same logic applies if you hold a position with a high negative delta. You will have the same risk as a short position in the stock. To adjust your risk, you could dump part of your position, buy calls, or buy the stock.

Don't forget about gamma

Just as gamma will affect the delta of one option as the stock price changes, it will affect the net delta of your entire position as well. So it’s important to keep in mind that your position delta will change with every little movement in the stock. And gamma’s effect on position delta can be huge, because we’re talking about multiple option contracts.

The number of shares for which your options act as a substitute will change every time the stock price changes. That’s why it’s a good idea to keep an eye on your position delta throughout the life of your option position.

If you have a TradeKing account, keeping an eye on position delta is easy. Just look at the “Option View” in your “Holdings” page, or use the Profit + Loss Calculator, and we’ll do the math for you.

Red Trader de hoy

Aprenda consejos comerciales & amp; Estrategias de los expertos de TradeKing

Los diez principales errores de la opción

Cinco consejos para llamadas exitosas cubiertas

Opción para cualquier condición de mercado

Opciones avanzadas de la opción

Las cinco mejores cosas que los operadores de acciones y opciones deberían saber sobre la volatilidad

Las opciones implican riesgo y no son adecuadas para todos los inversores. Para obtener más información, consulte el folleto Características y riesgos de las opciones estandarizadas antes de comenzar las opciones de compra. Los inversionistas de opciones pueden perder el monto total de su inversión en un período relativamente corto de tiempo.

Las estrategias de opciones de piernas múltiples implican riesgos adicionales. Y puede dar lugar a tratamientos impositivos complejos. Consulte a un profesional de impuestos antes de implementar estas estrategias. La volatilidad implícita representa el consenso del mercado en cuanto al nivel futuro de volatilidad del precio de las acciones o la probabilidad de alcanzar un punto de precio específico. Los griegos representan el consenso del mercado en cuanto a cómo la opción reaccionará a los cambios en ciertas variables asociadas con el precio de un contrato de opción. No hay garantía de que las previsiones de volatilidad implícita o los griegos sean correctas.

• Nuevos clientes son elegibles para esta oferta especial después de abrir una cuenta de TradeKing con un mínimo de $ 5,000. Debe solicitar la oferta de comisión de libre comercio introduciendo el código de promoción FREE1000 al abrir la cuenta. Las nuevas cuentas reciben $ 1,000 en crédito de comisión por acciones, ETF y operaciones de opciones ejecutadas dentro de los 60 días de financiar la nueva cuenta. El crédito de comisión toma un día hábil desde la fecha de financiamiento a ser aplicada. Para calificar para esta oferta, las nuevas cuentas deben ser abiertas antes del 31/12/2015 y financiadas con $ 5,000 o más dentro de los 30 días de la apertura de la cuenta. El crédito de la Comisión cubre el capital, ETF y órdenes de opción incluyendo la comisión por contrato. Las cuotas de ejercicio y asignación aún se aplican. Usted no recibirá compensación monetaria por ninguna comisión de libre comercio sin usar. La oferta no es transferible o válida en conjunto con ninguna otra oferta. Abierto solo a residentes de EE. UU. Y excluye a los empleados de TradeKing Group, Inc. o sus afiliados, titulares de cuentas actuales de TradeKing Securities, LLC y nuevos titulares de cuentas que hayan mantenido una cuenta con TradeKing Securities, LLC durante los últimos 30 días. TradeKing puede modificar o cancelar esta oferta en cualquier momento sin previo aviso. Los fondos mínimos de $ 5,000 deben permanecer en la cuenta (menos pérdidas comerciales) durante un mínimo de 6 meses o TradeKing puede cobrar la cuenta por el costo del efectivo otorgado a la cuenta. La oferta es válida para una sola cuenta por cliente. Pueden aplicarse otras restricciones. Esto no es una oferta o solicitud en ninguna jurisdicción en la que no seamos autorizados para hacer negocios.

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The cash value graph shows the result of the cash value max pain calculation. The yellow highlighted column indicates the max pain option strike. The max pain cash value calculation uses the Open Interest to determine the cash paid out by the option writers if the stock were to close at each strike. For details on how the cash value max pain point is derived, please visit the calculation page.

The bars indicate how much money would be paid out if the stock were to close at the strike price. The red bar is the money paid out on puts. The green bar is the money paid out on calls. Looking at the left side of chart you'll see a large red bar. Should the stock price decline to that strike, many puts would be in the money. The red bar indicates the dollar amount paid out on those in the money puts. If there is a little green there, then is a small amount of in the money calls paid out. Similarly the green bar on the right side indicates that if the stock price were to increase a large dollar amount of in the money calls would be paid out. The max pain strike is the strike at which the least amount of options are paid out. It is the combination of the puts and calls. The point on the chart were the red and green bars are the minimum dollar amount is max pain.

Please note the open interest is updated daily prior to the market open. It is not updated intra-day. This page uses Yahoo Finance and similar sources for option data. The open interest data for the stock options is compiled nightly. Open Interest data is therefore valid prior to the market open, before the CBOE begins trading options each day. After the market opens and options begin trading the open interest data may no longer by valid. No option data source provides intra-day open interest. The only intra-day data available is the volume data.

The underlying option data, including open interest and cash values, can found on the Option Data page.

The numbers across the bottom represent the various strike prices of the stock options. Max Pain is calculated for each strike by determining the cash value paid out on each call and put option at that strike. The red vertical bar is the put option cash value. The green vertical bar is the call option cash value. The further away the stock price is from the max pain point the more the option writers will have to pay out. Conversely, the closer to the max pain point the stock price is the less they pay out.

Max pain theory says that the option writers will hedge the contracts they have written. In the case of the market maker, the hedging is done to remain neutral in the stock. Consider the market makers position if he must write an option contract without wanting a position in the stock. As the maturity date approaches, the stock price changes. In addition, contracts may be closed by the option buyers. As a result the option writer must re-balance his hedges. This re-balancing is an effort to hedge the open contracts, thus maintaining a state where the least amount of money will be paid out. Re-balancing of positions in the stock provide pressure on the price to close at the max pain point.

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Pricing Options

The value of equity options is derived from the value of their underlying securities. and the market price for options will rise or decline based on the related securities’ performance. There are a number of elements to consider with options.

The Strike Price

The strike price for an option is the price at which the underlying asset is bought or sold if the option is exercised. The relationship between the strike price and the actual price of a stock determines, in the unique language of options, whether the option is in-the-money, at-the-money or out-of-the-money.

In-the-money: An in-the-money Call option strike price is below the actual stock price. Example: An investor purchases a Call option at the $95 strike price for WXYZ that is currently trading at $100. The investor’s position is in the money by $5. The Call option gives the investor the right to buy the equity at $95. An in-the-money Put option strike price is above the actual stock price. Example: An investor purchases a Put option at the $110 strike price for WXYZ that is currently trading at $100. This investor position is In-the-money by $10. The Put option gives the investor the right to sell the equity at $110

At the money: For both Put and Call options, the strike and the actual stock prices are the same.

Out-of-the-money: An out-of-the-money Call option strike price is above the actual stock price. Example: An investor purchases an out-of-the-money Call option at the strike price of $120 of ABCD that is currently trading at $105. This investor’s position is out-of-the-money by $15. An out-of-the-money Put option strike price is below the actual stock price. Example: An investor purchases an out-of-the-money Put option at the strike price of $90 of ABCD that is currently trading at $105. This investor’s position is out of the money by $15.

The Premium

The premium is the price a buyer pays the seller for an option. The premium is paid up front at purchase and is not refundable - even if the option is not exercised. Premiums are quoted on a per-share basis. Thus, a premium of $0.21 represents a premium payment of $21.00 per option contract ($0.21 x 100 shares). The amount of the premium is determined by several factors - the underlying stock price in relation to the strike price (intrinsic value), the length of time until the option expires (time value) and how much the price fluctuates (volatility value).

Intrinsic value + Time value + Volatility value = Price of Option

For example: An investor purchases a three-month Call option at a strike price of $80 for a volatile security that is trading at $90.

Intrinsic value = $10 Time value = since the Call is 90 days out, the premium would add moderately for time value. Volatility value = since the underlying security appears volatile, there would be value added to the premium for volatility.

Top three influencing factors affecting options prices:

the underlying equity price in relation to the strike price (intrinsic value)

the length of time until the option expires (time value)

and how much the price fluctuates (volatility value)

Other factors that influence option prices (premiums) including:

the quality of the underlying equity

the dividend rate of the underlying equity

prevailing market conditions

supply and demand for options involving the underlying equity

prevailing interest rates

Other costs? Don’t forget taxes and commissions.

As with almost any investment, investors who trade options must pay taxes on earnings as well as commissions to brokers for options transactions. These costs will affect overall investment income.

Descargo de responsabilidad: Este sitio analiza las opciones negociadas en bolsa emitidas por la Corporación de Compensación de Opciones. Ninguna declaración en este sitio debe interpretarse como una recomendación para comprar o vender un valor, o para proporcionar asesoramiento de inversión. Las opciones implican riesgos y no son adecuadas para todos los inversores. Antes de comprar o vender una opción, una persona debe recibir y revisar una copia de Características y Riesgos de Opciones Estandarizadas publicada por The Options Clearing Corporation. Copies may be obtained from your broker; one of the exchanges; The Options Clearing Corporation at One North Wacker Drive, Suite 500, Chicago, IL 60606; by calling 1-888-OPTIONS; or by visiting www.888options. com. Cualquier estrategia discutida, incluyendo ejemplos que usen valores reales de valores y precios, son estrictamente ilustrativos y educativos y no deben interpretarse como un endoso, recomendación o solicitud para comprar o vender valores.

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How to Calculate the Break-Even Price for Calls and Puts

Before you buy any call or put option in your stock trading adventures, you must calculate the break-even price. Here's the formula to figure out if your trade has potential for a profit:

Strike price + Option premium cost + Commission and transaction costs = Break-even price

So if you’re buying a December 50 call on ABC stock that sells for a $2.50 premium and the commission is $25, your break-even price would be

$50 + $2.50 + 0.25 = $52.75 per share

That means that to make a profit on this call option, the price per share of ABC has to rise above $52.75.

To calculate the break-even price for a put option, you subtract the premium and the commission costs. For a December 50 put on ABC stock that sells at a premium of $2.50, with a commission of $25, your break-even point would be

$50 – $2.50 – 0.25 = $47.25 per share

That means the price per share of ABC stock must fall below $47.25 for you to make a profit.

Make sure that you understand the fee structure used by your broker before making any option trades. Fees differ significantly from one broker to the next. Brokers frequently charge round-trip fees, which refer to the fees that you’re charged on the way in and on the way out of an options trading position. To figure out round-trip commission fees in the break-even formula, simply double the commission cost.

How to Calculate Liability for Stock Compensation Expenses

Stock options create an additional expense for businesses.

Stock options are offered by companies that want to provide their employees with additional compensation and benefits. Employees are generally given the option to exercise their rights to receive a stock option. When they do, the company's accounting department must properly account for the award of stock to the employee.

Basic Procedure

The rules regarding the calculation of the value of a stock option are determined by the Financial Accounting Standards Board. Rule FAS 123(R) states that companies must account for exercised stock options by calculating the present value of the stock, as of the date the stock gift was granted, then reporting this value as an expense on their income statements. The expense is based on the number of shares vested. Unvested stocks are not included in this calculation.


Stock options are typically classified as equity for tax purposes. However, they can be classified as liabilities if they meet certain conditions. Under the rules of the Financial Accounting Standards Board, a stock or any other share-based asset can be classified as a liability if the written or substantive terms for settling the stock award call for a cash settlement, or a settlement based on other assets, once the shares are cashed in. Secondly, the stock can have a repurchase provision that allows it to be cashed in based on a call or a put that does not equal fair market value. Third, the stock becomes a liability if the amount of its award is based on vesting conditions, rather than fair market value. Equity-based awards can be reclassified as liability options if they meet any of these three conditions. (See reference 2, page 2)

Calculation Issues

The calculation of stock compensation expenses results in two primary accounting issues that must be resolved. First, the manner in which the expense should be determined, i. e. whether it's an equity expense or a liability expense. Secondly, the accounting period for which the expense will be calculated and recorded must be determined, as the award is recorded as an expense and put on the books in the accounting period in which the employee was granted the stock. Two primary methods are used to calculate the value of the stock. The fair market value method can be used to determine the value of the stock expense at the time the stocks are granted. The intrinsic value method, on the other hand, bases the stock's value on the amount it exceeds the fair market value at the time that the option price can be exercised.

Allocating Expense

For accounting purposes, the allocation of stock expense is recognized during the period in which the employee performed the service for which he was granted the stock option. This is generally the time between the grant and vesting dates. The grant date is usually seen as the beginning date for the recording of expenses. The amount of the expense is based on the difference between the value at the time time the option was exercised versus when it was granted. Therefore, if a stock option is granted with a total market value of $50,000 and the option is exercised when the value of the stock is $60,000, then the expense would be $10,000, if calculated using the intrinsic value method. Other, more complicated pricing methods are sometimes employed.

About the Author

Jared Lewis is a professor of history, philosophy and the humanities. He has taught various courses in these fields since 2001. A former licensed financial adviser, he now works as a writer and has published numerous articles on education and business. He holds a bachelor's degree in history, a master's degree in theology and has completed doctoral work in American history.

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How to Calculate Diluted Shares from Options

by Bryan Keythman, Demand Media

A company's share count increases when an employee exercises an option.

When you dilute a drink with water, you lessen its flavor. Share dilution in a corporation is similar. Dilution increases the number of shares outstanding, which reduces earnings per share and each shareholder’s percentage ownership. Employee stock options are one type of security that can potentially dilute a company’s shares. An option gives its holder the right to buy stock from a company at a predetermined price. You can calculate a company’s diluted shares to see the number of shares that would be outstanding if all employee stock options were exercised.

Paso 1

Download a company’s Form 10-K annual report from the investor relations section of its website or from the U. S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s online EDGAR database.

Step 2

Locate the company’s balance sheet in the annual report. Identify the number of common shares the company has outstanding in the stockholders’ equity section of the balance sheet. For example, assume a company has 20 million shares outstanding.

Step 3

Find the number of employee stock options it has outstanding and the exercise, or strike, price per share in the footnotes to the financial statements. In this example, assume a company has 1 million options outstanding with an exercise price of $10.

Step 4

Subtract the exercise price from the company’s current stock price. In this example, assume the current stock price is $17. Subtract $10 from $17 to get $7.

Step 5

Divide your result by the current stock price. In this example, divide $7 by $17 to get 0.411765.

Step 6

Multiply your result by the number of options outstanding. In this example, multiply 0.411765 by 1 million to get 411,765.

Step 7

Add your result to the number of common shares outstanding to calculate the diluted shares. Concluding the example, add 411,765 to 20 million to get 20,411,765 diluted shares.


This calculation uses the treasury stock method to calculate diluted shares, the same method generally accepted accounting principles, or GAAP, require a company to use. A company with employee stock options and other dilutive securities uses this diluted share figure to calculate and report its diluted earnings per share, or EPS, on its income statement.

If the current stock price is less than the options’ exercise price, employee stock options would have no dilutive effect on shares because employees wouldn’t exercise an option for more than the stock is worth.



About the Author

Bryan Keythman has performed stock investment research and writing for a consulting firm since 2008. He also has prior experience sourcing and underwriting commercial real-estate investment and development opportunities for a commercial real-estate developer. Keythman holds a Bachelor of Science in finance.

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Test your knowledge

Stock Options Calculator

How does this stock options calculator work?

This financial tool is designed to help employees figure out the value of the stock options they are offered by their employers by considering the following variables:

Current stock price per share (CSP) represents to how much a share is valued on the stock market today.

Number of options (shares) granted per year (NOS) this is the effective shares you would receive on an annual basis from your employer.

Number of years to receive options (NOY) is the exact period of time the employers is going to offer you the stock options.

Strike price per share (SPS) generally refers tothe price at which a put or call option can be exercised. In this case it refers to a price that is usually set by employers at a higher value than the current stock price in order to incentivize the employees.

Stock price growth rate per year (SGW) refers to how much do you expect that the stock price will grow from one year to another. Please note that this is a fixed average growth rate which is applied for the given period (NOY years) and that is in directly impacted by the company’s results and profits over the given time frame.

The algorithm behind this stock options calculator applies the formulas explained below:

Share price at the end of the term ([NOY] years)

A = CSP * ((1+SGW/100)^NOY)

Average strike price within the given period of time

B = SPS * ((1+SGW/100)^(NOY/2))

Total number of options (shares) you would receive in [NOY] years

Value of the stock options

Please take account of the fact that the strike price is considered to grow at the same rate as the share price.

What are employees stock options from the two perspectives: employee and employer?

Employees stock options can be defined as an incentive or a privilege offered by the employers to their employees, that gives the last part the right, but not the obligation, to buy a certain numbers of shares per year at a predetermined share price within a given time frame.

While it may also be referred to as “share options” this is a measure employers take in order to motivate their employees to do their best in order to achieve higher performances that finally impacts the growth of the company’s share price.

Example of a calculation

Assuming that a company is offering their employers a granted annual stock options of 100 shares, within a period of time of 5 years at an initial price of $50, the initial strike price is $54, which is the total compensation package an employee gets in case he estimates that the share price will increase with 15% year per year?

■ Share price at the end of the term 5 years: $100.57

■ Average strike price within the given period of time: $76.58

■ Total number of options (shares) you would receive in 5 years: $500

■ Value of the stock options: $11,991.90

Stock Options Calculator to Forecast Future Value of ESO s

Explains what Employee Stock Options (ESO) are and helps you to forecast the year-by-year growth of any ESOs you’ve been granted.

This free online Stock Options Calculator will calculate the future value of your employees stock options (ESOs) based on the anticipated growth rate of the underlying company shares.

Plus, the employees stock option calculator on this page also allows you to enter up to 2 alternate growth rates and generates a year-by-year growth chart so you can compare the growth of up to three different scenarios.

What Are Employees Stock Options?

Basically, employee stock options (ESO) are a form of equity compensation offered to employees by a corporation.

More specifically, a corporation grants stock options to employees as an incentive to help build the value of the company, which in turn increases the value of the granted options.

Vesting Schedule

Typically, the employee’s right to exercise a portion of their options (buy the underlying shares) increases with time. This is referred to as a vesting schedule — where the percentage of options the employee can exercise increases with the length of time they remain an employee of the granting corporation.

To illustrate vesting, if an employee were granted 100 ESOs and after 1-year of employment they were considered to be 25% vested, the employee would then have the right to exercise 25 (100 x .25 = 25) of their ESOs. If they are 100% vested (fully vested) they would then have the right to exercise all of their ESOs.

Exercising Options

When an employee exercises their options, they are able to buy the company stock at the predefined strike price, and then sell the purchased shares at the market price. The difference between the strike price and the market price is called the spread .

If the strike price of the underlying stock is less than the market value (negative spread), then there would be nothing to gain from exercising ESOs. Exercising the ESOs only makes sense when the strike price is below the market price (positive spread, or in the money options).

Important Points to Consider

This basic explanation of ESOs barely scratches the surface of all the types and intricacies of ESOs, so be sure to consult a qualified financial planner for expert guidance. In the meantime, here are a few important points to keep in mind.

The financial gain realized when exercising ESOs is taxed as ordinary income.

ESOs have no marketable value and are typically considered to be non-transferable.

ESOs normally cannot be held after termination of employment.

Study the Company Stock Options Plan carefully before taking a job just for the stock options, and certainly before exercising your options.

With that, let’s use the Employees Stock Options Calculator to calculate the future value of your company stock option growth.

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Answered by Mr. OppiE

Hi Gurmeet Singh,

First of all, the academic formula for the price of call and put options is based on the Black-Scholes Model which includes the specific calculation for the value of its extrinsic value. However, I really don't think that is what you are asking for. But if that is REALLY what you are looking for, please refer to our Black-Scholes Model tutorial.

I think what you are asking me is the specific make up of an option's price in terms of its intrinsic value and extrinsic value. Now, this is one piece of knowledge you need to apply everytime you trade options.

An option's price is made up of 2 parts; Intrinsic Value and Extrinsic Value.

Intrinsic value is the amount of value already built into the option itself. For example, a stock is trading at $45 now. Its call options with $44 strike price is asking for $1.25 and its put options with $44 strike price is asking for $0.50. Its call options with $44 strike price allows you to instantly buy the stock at $44 when it is at $45, right? That's $1 of value already built into the call options itself, which means that it has an intrinsic value of $1. This means that out of the call option's price of $1.25, there is an intrinsic value of $1.00 and an extrinsic value of $0.25. This call option is regarded as In The Money. Let's look at its put options now. With the stock at $45, the right to sell the stock at $44 has no value at all for now, right? That is why its price of $0.50 is all extrinsic value and no intrinsic value. Such options are regarded as Out Of The Money.

I hope the above paragraph answered the first part of your question.

Now, extrinsic value is the part which goes down over time all the way to expiration. Intrinsic value does not change as long as the price of the stock does not change. Looking at the example above, if during expiration, that stock still trades at $45, its call options will be left with a value of $1 since its extrinsic value of $0.25 would have "decayed" away. We call this, time decay. Its put options will be worthless since all of its extrinsic value of $0.50 would have decayed away. Yes, if you have bought those put options with all your money, you would have lost all your money as well. How fast that time decay takes place depends on the Theta value of the specific option. The higher the theta value, the faster the value decreases.

In conclusion, to calculate the intrinsic value of a call option, simply take the prevailing stock price and deduct it against the strike price of the call options. If the strike price of the call option is higher than the price of the stock, there is no intrinsic value built in. To calculate the intrinsic value of a put option, simply take the strike price of the put option and deduct it against the price of the stock. If the strike price of the put option is lower than the price of the stock, then there is no intrinsic value built in. Any value above the intrinsic value of the option is its extrinsic value. Sounds complex at first but with a little time, it becomes intuitive.

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Response by Gurmeet Singh.

Reply by Mr. OppiE.

Response by Others.

Option Premium Calculator

Check here for NSE Stock/Index Volatility Rates (look for Daily Volatility CSV report)

How are option premiums (prices) determined? While supply and demand ultimately determines the price of options, several factors have a significant impact on option premiums, which are

• Spot Price of the underlying assets

• The exercise price of the option

• The volatility in the underlying markets.

• Time remaining to expiration

• Risk free rate of interest

• Dividend (only for option on equity)

The Price of an Option are Option Greeks are not easy to calculate by hand. The formula is complicated and for European style options (i. e. Options which can be exercised only on the expiry date) the formula’s are given by Black and Scholes formula. You can also preview this Options Calculator by clicking on the Preview button below. This Options Calculator is free, elegant and easy to use.

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​Futures trading contains substantial risk and is not suitable for every investor. Un inversionista podría perder todo o más de la inversión inicial. Capital de riesgo es el dinero que se puede perder sin poner en peligro la seguridad financiera o el estilo de vida. Sólo considerar el capital de riesgo que debe ser utilizado para el comercio y sólo aquellos con suficiente capital de riesgo debe considerar la negociación. El rendimiento pasado no es necesariamente indicativa de resultados futuros. CTFC RULE 4.41 – HYPOTHETICAL OR SIMULATED PERFORMANCE RESULTS HAVE CERTAIN LIMITATIONS. DESCONOCIDO UN REGISTRO DE RENDIMIENTO REAL, LOS RESULTADOS SIMULADOS NO REPRESENTAN COMERCIO REAL. TAMBIÉN, DADO QUE LOS COMERCIOS NO HAN SIDO EJECUTADOS, LOS RESULTADOS PUEDEN TENERSE COMPARTIDOS POR EL IMPACTO, SI CUALQUIERA, DE CIERTOS FACTORES DE MERCADO COMO LA LIQUIDEZ. LOS PROGRAMAS DE COMERCIO SIMULADOS EN GENERAL ESTÁN SUJETOS AL FACTOR DE QUE SEAN DISEÑADOS CON EL BENEFICIO DE HINDSIGHT. NO SE HACE NINGUNA REPRESENTACIÓN QUE CUALQUIER CUENTA TENDRÁ O ES POSIBLE PARA LOGRAR GANANCIAS O PÉRDIDAS SIMILARES A LOS MOSTRADOS. Todos los oficios, patrones, gráficos, sistemas, etc. discutidos en este sitio web o en el anuncio son sólo con fines ilustrativos y no se interpretan como recomendaciones específicas de asesoramiento. Todas las ideas y materiales presentados aquí son para propósitos informativos y educativos solamente. Nunca se ha desarrollado ningún sistema o metodología comercial que pueda garantizar beneficios o evitar pérdidas. Los testimonios y ejemplos utilizados en este documento son resultados excepcionales que no se aplican a personas promedio y no tienen la intención de representar o garantizar que cualquier persona obtendrá los mismos resultados o resultados similares. Las operaciones que se basan en la dependencia de los sistemas de Trend Methods se toman bajo su propio riesgo para su propia cuenta. No se trata de una oferta de compra o venta de futuros.

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Los datos y la información se proporcionan para propósitos informativos solamente, y no se piensan para los propósitos de negociación. Ni el sitio web de marketcalls. in ni ninguno de sus promotores serán responsables por cualquier error o retraso en el contenido, o por cualquier acción tomada en dependencia de los mismos.

option-vest - Stock option vesting calculator

The option-vest Perl script is available here:

A nice web interface is available here:

The option-vest program accepts information about one or more stock option grants and calculates how many options are vested and unvested. It also shows the value of the options at a given stock price and calculates the earnings after the cost of the options (the strike price) is taken into consideration.

Here is a sample command and its output.

This program may have bugs or errors in it. The user should verify all calculations by hand or using other software before making decisions.

There are quite a few rounding operations which take place, which may affect the accuracy of final numbers.

Some of the displayed numbers may not show all significant digits, especially in the case of monthly value, cost, and earnings.

Trading costs, and tax considerations are not taken into account. For more information, please talk to a qualified accountant, lawyer, broker, and psychiatrist.

Some of your option grants may vest at different times during the month. This program groups all of these together, so you may have to wait until the middle or end of a month to be able to excercise them.

$Id: index. html, v 1.5 2003/06/28 03:16:49 erich Exp $


Probability is a key concept of option trading. When putting on a trade with a certain reward to risk, it is essential to take into account the probability of the reward really occurring.

The Probabilities show you: - the probability of the underlying being above/below selected prices

on a certain date

at any time during a selected time frame

Another way to look at probabilities is thinking in standard deviations. For example statistically a price movement stays within 1 standard deviation 68.3% of the time. The Probabilities shows you how likely a move of less than x standard deviations is and calculates the corresponding price targets:

About Employee Stock Purchase Plans

Companies offer Employee Stock Purchase Plans to employees to allow them the opportunity to share the success of the firm. A stock purchase plan enables employees to purchase their company's common stock, often at a discount from the market price.

Las opciones sobre acciones se perciben como una herramienta eficaz de retención e incentivos para los empleados. Los planes de compra de acciones ayudan a los empleados a pensar más como un propietario, que alinea sus intereses con los de los accionistas.

How do Stock Purchase Plans work?

Under a typical Stock Purchase Plan, employees are given an option to purchase their employer's stock generally at a discounted price at the end of an offering period. Antes de cada período de oferta, los empleados elegibles indican si desean participar en el plan.

Si el empleado desea participar, indica el porcentaje o la cantidad en dólares de la compensación que se deducirá de su nómina durante todo el período de la oferta. The percentage or dollar amount employees are allowed to contribute varies by plan, however, the IRS limits the total purchase to $25,000 annually.

En la mayoría de los planes de compra de acciones, el precio de compra se establece en un descuento del valor justo de mercado. While some plans provide that the discount is applied to the value on the stock on the purchase date (e. g. 85% of the fair market value on that date), it is more common to apply the discount to the value of the stock on the first or last day of the offering period, whichever is lower.

La mayoría de los planes permiten a los empleados aumentar o disminuir su porcentaje de deducción de nómina en cualquier momento durante el período de oferta. Each plan is unique, your plan materials will detail how a specific plan works.

Two Types of Employee Stock Purchase Plans

There are two types of Employee Stock Purchase Plans, classified by their tax status:

Qualified Employee Stock Purchase Plans (Section 423)

Qualified Employee Stock Purchase Plans meet conditions described by Section 423 of the Internal Revenue Code. Hay un tratamiento fiscal especial para las acciones que se mantienen durante más de un año. A qualified plan must meet the following requirements:

Only employees of the company (or its parent or subsidiary corporations) may participate in the plan

The purchase plan must be approved by the shareholders of the company within the 12 months before it is adopted by the board.

Any employee owning more than 5% of the company stock may not participate in the plan

All eligible employees must be allowed to participate in the plan, although certain categories of employees may be excluded (e. g. employees employed less than two years)

All employees must enjoy the same rights and privileges under the plan, expect that the amount of stock that may be purchased may be based on compensation differences

The purchase price may not be less than the lesser of 85% of the fair market value of the stock 1) at the beginning of the offering period, or 2) on the purchase date

The maximum offering period can not exceed 27 months unless the purchase price is based solely on the fair market value at time of purchase, in which case the offering period may be as long as 5 years

An employee may not purchase more than $25,000 worth of stock (based on fair market value on the first day of the offering period) for each calendar year in which the offering period is in effect

Non-Qualified Employee Stock Purchase Plans

Non-Section 423 Employee Stock Purchase Plans are simple payroll deduction plans that allow employees to purchase company stock, sometimes at a discount. No hay un tratamiento fiscal especial de los ingresos, y el plan no está necesariamente disponible para todos los empleados.

What are the Advantages of Employee Stock Purchase Plans?

These plans are usually easy and convenient to set up and encourage saving and investing. Employees don't have to commit to a specific number of shares each pay period. They select a dollar amount or a percentage of a paycheck and every purchase period a number of shares are purchased based on contributions.

Diluted Earnings per Share Formula

The Diluted Earnings per Share Formula

Diluted earnings per share is the profit for a reporting period per share of common stock outstanding during that period. The measurement includes the number of shares that would have been outstanding during the period if the company had issued common shares for all potential dilutive common stock outstanding during the period.

The reason for stating diluted earnings per share is so that investors can determine how the earnings per share attributable to them could be reduced if a variety of convertible instruments were to be converted to stock. Thus, this measurement presents the worst case for earnings per share. Earnings per share information only needs to be reported by publicly-held businesses.

If a company has more types of stock than common stock in its capital structure, it must present both basic earnings per share and diluted earnings per share information; this presentation must be for both income from continuing operations and net income. This information is reported on the company’s income statement.

To calculate diluted earnings per share, include the effects of all dilutive potential common shares. This means that you increase the number of shares outstanding by the weighted average number of additional common shares that would have been outstanding if the company had converted all dilutive potential common stock to common stock. This dilution may affect the profit or loss in the numerator of the dilutive earnings per share calculation. The formula is:

(Profit or loss attributable to common equity holders of parent company + After-tax interest on convertible debt + Convertible preferred dividends) (Weighted average number of common shares outstanding during the period + All dilutive potential common stock)

You may need to make two adjustments to the numerator of this calculation. They are:

Interest expense . Eliminate any interest expense associated with dilutive potential common stock, since you assume that these shares are converted to common stock. The conversion would eliminate the company’s liability for the interest expense.

Dividends . Adjust for the after-tax impact of dividends or other types of dilutive potential common shares.

You may need to make additional adjustments to the denominator of this calculation. They are:

Anti-dilutive shares . If there are any contingent stock issuances that would have an anti-dilutive impact on earnings per share, do not include them in the calculation. This situation arises when a business experiences a loss, because including the dilutive shares in the calculation would reduce the loss per share.

Dilutive shares . If there is potential dilutive common stock, add all of it to the denominator of the diluted earnings per share calculation. Unless there is more specific information available, assume that these shares are issued at the beginning of the reporting period.

Dilutive securities termination . If a conversion option lapses during the reporting period for dilutive convertible securities, or if the related debt is extinguished during the reporting period, the effect of these securities should still be included in the denominator of the diluted earnings per share calculation for the period during which they were outstanding.

In addition to the issues just noted, here are a number of additional situations that could impact the calculation of diluted earnings per share:

Most advantageous exercise price . When you calculate the number of potential shares that could be issued, do so using the most advantageous conversion rate from the perspective of the person or entity holding the security to be converted.

Settlement assumption . If there is an open contract that could be settled in common stock or cash, assume that it will be settled in common stock, but only if the effect is dilutive. The presumption of settlement in stock can be overcome if there is a reasonable basis for expecting that settlement will be partially or entirely in cash.

Effects of convertible instruments . If there are convertible instruments outstanding, include their dilutive effect if they dilute earnings per share. You should consider convertible preferred stock to be anti-dilutive when the dividend on any converted shares is greater than basic earnings per share. Similarly, convertible debt is considered anti-dilutive when the interest expense on any converted shares exceeds basic earnings per share.

Option exercise . If there are any dilutive options and warrants, assume that they are exercised at their exercise price. Then, convert the proceeds into the total number of shares that the holders would have purchased, using the average market price during the reporting period. Then use in the diluted earnings per share calculation the difference between the number of shares assumed to have been issued and the number of shares assumed to have been purchased.

Put options . If there are purchased put options, only include them in the diluted earnings per share calculation if the exercise price is higher than the average market price during the reporting period.

Written put options . If there is a written put option that requires a business to repurchase its own stock, include it in the computation of diluted earnings per share, but only if the effect is dilutive.

Call options . If there are purchased call options, only include them in the diluted earnings per share calculation if the exercise price is lower than the market price.

Compensation in shares . If employees are awarded shares that have not vested or stock options as forms of compensation, treat these grants as options when calculating diluted earnings per share. Consider these grants to be outstanding on the grant date, rather than any later vesting date.

Example of Diluted Earnings per Share

Lowry Locomotion earns a net profit of $200,000, and it has 5,000,000 common shares outstanding that sell on the open market for an average of $12 per share. In addition, there are 300,000 options outstanding that can be converted to Lowry’s common stock at $10 each.

Lowry’s basic earnings per share is $200,000 ÷ 5,000,000 common shares, or $0.04 per share. Lowry’s controller wants to calculate the amount of diluted earnings per share. To do so, he follows these steps:

Calculate the number of shares that would have been issued at the market price. Thus, he multiplies the 300,000 options by the average exercise price of $10 to arrive at a total of $3,000,000 paid to exercise the options by their holders.

Divide the amount paid to exercise the options by the market price to determine the number of shares that could be purchased. Thus, he divides the $3,000,000 paid to exercise the options by the $12 average market price to arrive at 250,000 shares that could have been purchased with the proceeds from the options.

Subtract the number of shares that could have been purchased from the number of options exercised. Thus, he subtracts the 250,000 shares potentially purchased from the 300,000 options to arrive at a difference of 50,000 shares.

Add the incremental number of shares to the shares already outstanding. Thus, he adds the 50,000 incremental shares to the existing 5,000,000 to arrive at 5,050,000 diluted shares.

Based on this information, the controller arrives at diluted earnings per share of $0.0396, for which the calculation is:

$200,000 Net profit ÷ 5,050,000 Common shares

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With this Employee Stock Option Calculator . you can estimate the after-tax value of non-qualified stock options — before cashing them in. Locate current stock. Free and truly unique stock - options profit calculation tool. View a potential strategy's return on investment against future stock price AND over time. Your trade. Stock Option Calculator . Receiving options for your company's stock can be an incredible benefit. Even after a few years of moderate growth, stock options can. If you have incentive or non qualified stock options from employer, then you can use grant calculator or stock option calculator to know the potential value of the. CBOE's options calculator and margin calculator were designed to support implied volatility, interest rate and dividends data) or enter a stock or options . Options Calculator . The IVolatility. com Options Calculator is an educational tool intended to assist individuals in learning how options . Stock or Index SymbolYour company-issued employee stock options may not be 'in-the-money'. Use this calculator to help determine what your employee stock options may be. This free online Stock Options Calculator will calculate the future value of your employees stock options (ESOs) based on the anticipated growth rate of the. Options Calculator . SARs Calculator . Restricted Stock Calculator . I Need The Money, myRecords, Alternative Investment Modeling Tool, Resctricted Stock . Using price per share information along with grants and strike price, this stock option calculator can be used to determine the total value of this benefit.

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With this Employee Stock Option Calculator . you can estimate the after-tax value of non-qualified stock options — before cashing them in. Locate current stock. Free and truly unique stock - options profit calculation tool. View a potential strategy's return on investment against future stock price AND over time. Your trade. Stock Option Calculator . Receiving options for your company's stock can be an incredible benefit. Even after a few years of moderate growth, stock options can. If you have incentive or non qualified stock options from employer, then you can use grant calculator or stock option calculator to know the potential value of the. CBOE's options calculator and margin calculator were designed to support implied volatility, interest rate and dividends data) or enter a stock or options . Options Calculator . The IVolatility. com Options Calculator is an educational tool intended to assist individuals in learning how options . Stock or Index SymbolYour company-issued employee stock options may not be 'in-the-money'. Use this calculator to help determine what your employee stock options may be. This free online Stock Options Calculator will calculate the future value of your employees stock options (ESOs) based on the anticipated growth rate of the. Options Calculator . SARs Calculator . Restricted Stock Calculator . I Need The Money, myRecords, Alternative Investment Modeling Tool, Resctricted Stock . Using price per share information along with grants and strike price, this stock option calculator can be used to determine the total value of this benefit.


With this Employee Stock Option Calculator . you can estimate the after-tax value of non-qualified stock options — before cashing them in. Locate current stock. Free and truly unique stock - options profit calculation tool. View a potential strategy's return on investment against future stock price AND over time. Your trade. Stock Option Calculator . Receiving options for your company's stock can be an incredible benefit. Even after a few years of moderate growth, stock options can. If you have incentive or non qualified stock options from employer, then you can use grant calculator or stock option calculator to know the potential value of the. CBOE's options calculator and margin calculator were designed to support implied volatility, interest rate and dividends data) or enter a stock or options . Options Calculator . The IVolatility. com Options Calculator is an educational tool intended to assist individuals in learning how options . Stock or Index SymbolYour company-issued employee stock options may not be 'in-the-money'. Use this calculator to help determine what your employee stock options may be. This free online Stock Options Calculator will calculate the future value of your employees stock options (ESOs) based on the anticipated growth rate of the. Options Calculator . SARs Calculator . Restricted Stock Calculator . I Need The Money, myRecords, Alternative Investment Modeling Tool, Resctricted Stock . Using price per share information along with grants and strike price, this stock option calculator can be used to determine the total value of this benefit. Stock option calculators to determine probability of price movement, option position analysis, covered call position management, and option Greeks including implied. This stock option calculator computes the theoretical price of a one or two leg option position using Black Scholes. Try our advanced stock options calculator and. What is a ' Stock Option ' A stock option is a privilege, sold by one party to another, that gives the buyer the right, but not the obligation, to buy (call) or sell. Stock trading calculators for Nifty future and option trade technique, investment technique e-book written by Mr soumya ranjan panda, CEO Smart Finance. Implied Dividend Calculator to find dividend arbitrage conditions. If options are fairly priced, then the following equation applies: call price + strike price. Employees receiving a stream of stock option grants over a period of years can be an incredible benefit. Use this calculator to project how much a series of annual. Using the Black and Scholes option pricing model, this calculator generates theoretical values and option greeks for European call and put options.

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Stock Market Calculator

Tabulating Your Stock Picks

This stock market calculator accords you the ability to work and calculate an all-encompassing range of stock market price data. There are four key calculations combined within this calculator, permitting you to execute four separate analyses of any stock price, grounded in the information you have at your fingertips. You can employ our calculator right now to instantly improve your trading system and boost profits.

The four calculators available are as follows:

Gains/Losses Calculator:

This calculator grants you the determination of how majorly you bear to gain or lose on a particular trade. Just figure the number of shares, your purchase price, your selling price, and the commission fees for a trade and this instrument will instantly compute your ensuing profit or loss following commission fees.

Risk to Reward Ratio Calculator:

If there is a fundament to any trading doctrine, it commences with the risk to reward table. Although distinguishing good risk/reward trades does not secure success, neglecting to key good risk/reward trades usually warranties failure. Remember, always estimate your risk to reward ratio before constituting a trade. With this tool, you can regulate if your potential gains outbalance your potential losses, a clear purchase sign.

Wave Retracement Calculator:

Securities do not trade in merely one direction. Rather, their angularity shifts constantly up and down. They frequently trade in ranges for extended timeframes, then burst forth higher or lower. Technical analysts anticipate probable staying points to play as support or resistance when trends hesitate and unify. These spheres of likely support or resistance commonly assemble around certain percentage retracements among historic highs and lows. This calculator helps to cipher the percentage one price movement wave retraces another. This is particularly convenient with Elliot Wave analysis.

Price Projections Calculator:

Technical Analysis is a method of forecasting succeeding stock price movements established on reflection of historical stock price movements. It is analytic thinking grounded in market execution through chart study, volume, moving averages, open interest, shapings, and other technicals. Fundamental analysis on the other hand, considers a share's market price in relation to the organization's fundamental business proposition and financial position. It is a method of predicting future price movement employing supply and demand data. Never the less, both are trying to do that same thing and that is to predict future price projections. Use this feature to forecast how much you bear to gain contingent upon your success, yielded by investment capital at your disposal.

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See Our Amazing Technical Analysis

Elliott Wave / Gartley Crab for Intel

This chart demonstrates the power of Elliot Wave and a Gartley pattern such as the crab for Intel. This permits technical analyst to determine the length of time as well as price and direction in the forecast. Combined with Elliot Wave it can be a powerful charting method. The charting software used here is Motive Wave.

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Elliot Wave

Gartley Bat Pattern and Gann Grid or Gann Box

This chart shows the use of Motivewave and utilizing it scan feature in determining a Gartley Bat formation on AMD. These Gartley patterns can be very beneficial in determining potential moves or forecasts have predictability when utilizing Fibonacci mathematics for price projections. This chart also demonstrates the power of using Fibonacci counts and Gartley patterns combining them with WD Gann techniques such as Gann grid or Gann box for price projections. The charting software used here is Motive Wave.

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This chart demonstrates not only are forecast but the fact we were only a couple bars from the low from our initial trade and within seven cents from the low. This chart demonstrates the power of the wave by showing the completion of wave count five showing the beginning of a strong Elliot Wave 3 move. The charting software used here is Motive Wave.

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This chart demonstrates the power of Gartley finding of that formation for Yahoo and it helps determine forecasts for potential price action in the future. The charting software used here is Motive Wave.

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Gann Swing Chart For The S&P

The Gann swing chart assist traders in determining the trend finding different patterns also support and resistance points. It helps with determining entries and exits and may be used for determining stops to limit losses or to lock in potential profits. The charting software used here is Market Analyst.

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Gann Fan and Fibonacci Speed Resistance Arcs and Trade Station On a 60 Minute Chart

This chart demonstrates the ability of the Gann fan line Incorporated with both Fibonacci retracement lines as well as a Fibonacci speed resistance arc to determine future price points of support or resistance and market turns. When combined properly these tools can be of great assistance in determining important turning points in the market. The charting software used here is Trade Station.

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The following chart is a Gann square of nine chart within market analyst 7. The Gann square of nine chart at its origin is basically a calculator and can help forecast important support or resistance points of the underlining issue. WD Gann uses extensively in his work. The charting software used here is Market Analyst.

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Sector Rotations or Sector Profiles Of The S&P Using Market Analyst

This chart demonstrates or utilizes a 3-D image to show individual stocks within the S&P 500 and their overall performance based upon color to obtain an overall picture of the underlying issue. This can assist in determining market rotation or lack of participation or leading the market either by individual stocks in a group or the group itself. The charting software used here is Market Analyst.

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Andrews Pitchfork's / Regression Channel In Motivewave.

This chart demonstrates the value of using Andrews pitchfork's in forecasting future price resistance or support as well as the use of a regression channel to determine likely price action as well as retracements in an issue.

Our recent forecast utilizing Elliott wave in motivewave far our more recent forecast of the S&P. this chart demonstrates the ability of Elliott wave to help forecast potential price movement. We have included our forecasts in our video segments or commentary to demonstrate our accuracy in the more recent price action of the S&P. The charting software used here is Motive Wave.

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A Fibonacci Expansion Forecast Using Trade Station For The S&P 500.

This chart demonstrates the ability of correctly using Fibonacci expansion techniques to forecast potential highs or major resistance in the market. This charting trade station is our working chart that we had demonstrated to our members about a potential high at 1690. As you can see prices held major support ranges we have made very accurate forecasts. The charting software used here is Trade Station.

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Planetary Lines For Dell Computer

This chart demonstrates planetary lines along with the Gann fan line to demonstrate the influence of both geometric lines and planetary lines combined with planetary aspects. The charting software used here is Market Analyst..

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Planetary Cycles Of The S&P 500 Using The Mars Aspect a Current Chart Using Market Analyst

This chart demonstrates the use of cycles along with important planetary aspects for determining changes and trends or support and resistance ranges. The chart demonstrates the influence of Mars along with the cycle count that determines and shows turning points or market influences. The charting software used here is Market Analyst.

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Astrological map natal charts are used to determine potential planetary influences on underlying issues. It is been used extensively throughout history in determining or potentially forecasting potential influences of the market or people. The charting software used here is Market Analyst..

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This chart demonstrates the use of cycles along with important planetary aspects for determining changes and trends or support and resistance ranges. The chart demonstrates the influence of Mars along with the cycle count that determines and shows turning points or market influences. The charting software used here is Market Analyst.

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This Information is not intended as investment advice, as an offer or solicitation of an offer to sell or buy, or as an endorsement, recommendation or sponsorship of any company, security, or fund. The opinions and analyses included in the Information are based from sources believed to be reliable and written in good faith, but no representation or warranty, expressed or implied is made as to their accuracy, completeness or correctness. Las opciones implican riesgo y no son adecuadas para todos los inversores. Please read full disclaimer .

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You are here: Home / California Divorce Guide / Financial Considerations in Divorce / Strategic Issues in Valuing and Dividing Employee Stock Options in Divorce

Strategic Issues in Valuing and Dividing Employee Stock Options in Divorce

In recent years, employers have increasingly chosen to compensate executives and employees with stock options.

This means that family law attorneys have to focus more on understanding how to value and transfer stock options as marital property in a divorce. California law states that all assets acquired during the marriage are considered community property; this includes any “earned” stock options.

California law states that all assets acquired during the marriage are considered community property; this includes any “earned” stock options.

Courts typically use a formula called a “time rule” to determine the stock option’s value. This is pursuant to a 1977 case called “In re Marriage of Hug” 68 Cal. App.3d 515, 137 Cal. Rptr. 318.

Here is the “time rule” formula:

(Date of Grant to Date of Separation) ÷ (Date of Grant to Date of Vesting)(# of Shares Exercisable) = Community Property Shares

In a second case, In re Marriage of Hug (1984) 154 Cal. App.3d 780, 201 Cal. Rptr. 676, the “time rule” changed slightly. Under this case, either the date of employment or the date of the stock option grant can be used as the valuation date.

When exercised, stock options are taxed. Those taxes are taken into consideration when valuing the stock option. The difference between market value at the time of exercise and the exercise price is considered taxable income. When a capital gain or loss is recognized at the stock sale, those options will be taxed.

Stock options are usually not transferable and trying to do so may be a risk for the non-employee spouse. The employee spouse needs to simultaneously give notice and exercise the options upon request.

If the options are contingent on employment, the non-employee spouse is also at risk if the employee spouse quits or is terminated and loses their stock options.

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Stock options cost basis calculator

Your mutual fund account will default to Average Cost for covered mutual fund shares unless you select another method. It includes information regarding conditions that can cause a change in your cost basis. We are stock options cost basis calculator required to report cost basis information for these shares to the IRS. The IRS default method for stocks is First In First Out FIFO. Press Ctrl+Q to access quote window Cost basis is the price at which you purchased or acquired a security, including all commissions and fees.

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If you invested piecemeal over the years, the default method used by the IRS is called "first in, first out.


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He or she can also guide you in developing an ongoing strategy for retaining or harvesting options and your tax status pla. Ask your question and we'll connect you to our network of financial experts for free Ask Question Learn More © Copyright 2016 NerdWallet, Inc. If you switch out of Average Cost or back into this method, under the cost basis regulations the IRS requires that you provide written instructions to us. For example, you may identify as sold those shares that have been owned for more than a year to avoid a short-term stock options cost basis calculator gain. Rowe Price Brokerage, treat certain equity shares in a dividend reinvestment plan DRIP stock options cost basis calculator covered beginning on or after January 1, 2012, while others may treat those shares as covered beginning stock options cost basis calculator January 1, 2011. But your adjusted cost basis takes into consideration all premium you've received to date. Taxpayers will be permitted to average the basis of mutual fund shares in one account but not average them in another account. The Average Cost method, the most commonly used method, is used to determine the average cost per share and generally results in moderate income tax. Once you e trading postfinance optionen translate french your options if you do not sell your shares at the same time and the value of the shares drops you may experience a financial loss. Average Cost will be calculated separately for your covered and noncovered shares. Brokers must report sales of covered securities that S corporations acquire on or after January 1, 2012. New shares may be purchased using a different method. If you would like to stock options cost basis calculator the constant yield method, you should consult your tax advisor. The Average Cost method, the most commonly used method, is used to determine the average binary options for mt4 brokers singapore airlines per share and generally results in moderate income tax. Taxpayer may change cost basis method on future purchases, no matter what cost basis method is chosen. FIFO is the default method used by the IRS if another method is not chosen. The performance data contained herein represents past performance which does not guarantee future results.

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Stock option calculator

With this Employee Stock Option Calculator . you can estimate the after-tax value of non-qualified stock options — before cashing them in. Locate current stock. Stock Option Calculator . Receiving options for your company's stock can be an incredible benefit. Even after a few years of moderate growth, stock options can. Free and truly unique stock - options profit calculation tool. View a potential strategy's return on investment against future stock price AND over time. Your trade. If you have incentive or non qualified stock options from employer, then you can use grant calculator or stock option calculator to know the potential value of the. Options Calculator . The IVolatility. com Options Calculator is an educational tool intended to assist individuals in learning how options . Stock or Index SymbolCBOE's options calculator and margin calculator were designed to support implied volatility, interest rate and dividends data) or enter a stock or options . Your company-issued employee stock options may not be 'in-the-money'. Use this calculator to help determine what your employee stock options may be. This free online Stock Options Calculator will calculate the future value of your employees stock options (ESOs) based on the anticipated growth rate of the. Options Calculator . SARs Calculator . Restricted Stock Calculator . I Need The Money, myRecords, Alternative Investment Modeling Tool, Resctricted Stock . Using price per share information along with grants and strike price, this stock option calculator can be used to determine the total value of this benefit.

With this Employee Stock Option Calculator . you can estimate the after-tax value of non-qualified stock options — before cashing them in. Locate current stock. Stock Option Calculator . Receiving options for your company's stock can be an incredible benefit. Even after a few years of moderate growth, stock options can. Free and truly unique stock - options profit calculation tool. View a potential strategy's return on investment against future stock price AND over time. Your trade. If you have incentive or non qualified stock options from employer, then you can use grant calculator or stock option calculator to know the potential value of the. Options Calculator . The IVolatility. com Options Calculator is an educational tool intended to assist individuals in learning how options . Stock or Index SymbolCBOE's options calculator and margin calculator were designed to support implied volatility, interest rate and dividends data) or enter a stock or options . Your company-issued employee stock options may not be 'in-the-money'. Use this calculator to help determine what your employee stock options may be. This free online Stock Options Calculator will calculate the future value of your employees stock options (ESOs) based on the anticipated growth rate of the. Options Calculator . SARs Calculator . Restricted Stock Calculator . I Need The Money, myRecords, Alternative Investment Modeling Tool, Resctricted Stock . Using price per share information along with grants and strike price, this stock option calculator can be used to determine the total value of this benefit.

Implied Dividend Calculator to find dividend arbitrage conditions. If options are fairly priced, then the following equation applies: call price + strike price. Stock option calculators to determine probability of price movement, option position analysis, covered call position management, and option Greeks including implied. This stock option calculator computes the theoretical price of a one or two leg option position using Black Scholes. Try our advanced stock options calculator and. Stock Option Calculator Receiving options for your company's stock can be an incredible benefit. Even after a few years of moderate growth, stock options can produce. Employees receiving a stream of stock option grants over a period of years can be an incredible benefit. Use this calculator to project how much a series of annual. Using the Black and Scholes option pricing model, this calculator generates theoretical values and option greeks for European call and put options. Stock trading calculators for Nifty future and option trade technique, investment technique e-book written by Mr soumya ranjan panda, CEO Smart Finance. What is a ' Stock Option ' A stock option is a privilege, sold by one party to another, that gives the buyer the right, but not the obligation, to buy (call) or sell.

Employees receiving a stream of stock option grants over a period of years can be an incredible benefit. Use this calculator to project how much a series of annual. What is a ' Stock Option ' A stock option is a privilege, sold by one party to another, that gives the buyer the right, but not the obligation, to buy (call) or sell. This stock option calculator computes the theoretical price of a one or two leg option position using Black Scholes. Try our advanced stock options calculator and. Stock option calculators to determine probability of price movement, option position analysis, covered call position management, and option Greeks including implied. Using the Black and Scholes option pricing model, this calculator generates theoretical values and option greeks for European call and put options. Implied Dividend Calculator to find dividend arbitrage conditions. If options are fairly priced, then the following equation applies: call price + strike price. Stock trading calculators for Nifty future and option trade technique, investment technique e-book written by Mr soumya ranjan panda, CEO Smart Finance. Stock Option Calculator Receiving options for your company's stock can be an incredible benefit. Even after a few years of moderate growth, stock options can produce.

Implied Dividend Calculator to find dividend arbitrage conditions. If options are fairly priced, then the following equation applies: call price + strike price. What is a ' Stock Option ' A stock option is a privilege, sold by one party to another, that gives the buyer the right, but not the obligation, to buy (call) or sell. Stock trading calculators for Nifty future and option trade technique, investment technique e-book written by Mr soumya ranjan panda, CEO Smart Finance.

Stock option calculator

With this Employee Stock Option Calculator . you can estimate the after-tax value of non-qualified stock options — before cashing them in. Locate current stock. Stock Option Calculator . Receiving options for your company's stock can be an incredible benefit. Even after a few years of moderate growth, stock options can. Free and truly unique stock - options profit calculation tool. View a potential strategy's return on investment against future stock price AND over time. Your trade. If you have incentive or non qualified stock options from employer, then you can use grant calculator or stock option calculator to know the potential value of the. Options Calculator . The IVolatility. com Options Calculator is an educational tool intended to assist individuals in learning how options . Stock or Index SymbolCBOE's options calculator and margin calculator were designed to support implied volatility, interest rate and dividends data) or enter a stock or options . Your company-issued employee stock options may not be 'in-the-money'. Use this calculator to help determine what your employee stock options may be. This free online Stock Options Calculator will calculate the future value of your employees stock options (ESOs) based on the anticipated growth rate of the. Options Calculator . SARs Calculator . Restricted Stock Calculator . I Need The Money, myRecords, Alternative Investment Modeling Tool, Resctricted Stock . Using price per share information along with grants and strike price, this stock option calculator can be used to determine the total value of this benefit.

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Stock Option Calculator Receiving options for your company's stock can be an incredible benefit. Even after a few years of moderate growth, stock options can produce.

Option calculator

I'm trying to learn the the Black–Scholes option pricing formula and one of the elements of that formula (according to http://bradley. bradley. edu/

arr/bsm/pg04.html ) is the "standard deviation of stock returns".

I know if I download a CSV file of historical prices from Yahoo! and open up Excel and execute STDDEV(column with prices), I can get the "standard deviation of stock PRICES". But that is not what I need. I need the "standard deviation of stock RETURNS".

Does anyone know how I can calculate this in Excel? Or even better yet, if someone can provide a implementation in code showing how to do it?

Some of the questions that came up in my head when thinking about how to approach this include "how much historical data to use? (how far back to we go when downloading the CSV file from Yahoo!)" and "what kind of stock returns are we supposed to be calculating? Annual stock returns? Daily returns?"

asked Jan 18 '13 at 22:05

Basically, you calculate percentage return by doing stock price now / stock price before. You're not calculating the rate of return hence no subtraction of 100%. The standard is to do this on a daily basis: stock price today / stock price yesterday.

The most important and most misunderstood part is that you now have to analyze the data geometrically not arithmetically. To easily do this, convert all percentage returns with the natural log, ln() .

Next, you take the standard deviation of all of those results, and apply exp(). This answers the title of your question.

For convenience's sake, it's best to annualize since volatility (implied or statistical) is now almost always quoted annualized. There are

240 trading days each year. You multiply your stdev() result by (240 / # of trading days per return) ^ 0.5, so if you're doing this for daily returns, multiply the stdev() result by 240^0.5; if you were doing it weekly, you'd want to multiply by (240 /

5)^0.5; etc. This is your number for sigma. This answers the intent of your question.

For black-scholes, you do not convert anything back with exp() ; BS is already set up for geometric analysis, so you need to stay there.

The reason why analysis is done geometrically is because the distribution of stock returns is assumed to be lognormal (even though it's really more like logLaplace).

answered Apr 26 '13 at 3:38

For implied volatility it is okey to use Black and scholes but what to do with the historical volatility which carry the effect of past prices as a predictor of future prices. And then precisely the conditional historical volatility. i suggest that you must go with the process like, for stock returns 1) first download stock prices into excel sheet 2) take the natural log of (P1/po) 3) calculate average of the sample 4) calculate square of (X-Xbar) 5) take square root of this and you will get the standard deviation of your required data.

answered Oct 16 '14 at 5:17

2016 Stack Exchange, Inc

Stock option calculator

With this Employee Stock Option Calculator . you can estimate the after-tax value of non-qualified s. Using price per share information along with grants and strike price, this stock option calculator . The IVolatility. com Options Calculator is an educational tool intended to assist individuals in. … Options Calculator . SARs Calculator . Restricted Stock Calculator . I Need The Money, myRecords, Alte. This free online Stock Options Calculator will calculate the future value of your employees stock o. CBOE's options calculator and margin calculator were designed to support options investors. Vis.

With this Employee Stock Option Calculator . you can estimate the after-tax value of non-qualified s. Using price per share information along with grants and strike price, this stock option calculator . The IVolatility. com Options Calculator is an educational tool intended to assist individuals in. … Options Calculator . SARs Calculator . Restricted Stock Calculator . I Need The Money, myRecords, Alte. This free online Stock Options Calculator will calculate the future value of your employees stock o. CBOE's options calculator and margin calculator were designed to support options investors. Vis.

Stock trading calculators for Nifty future and option trade technique, investment technique e-book written by Mr soumya ranjan panda, CEO Smart Finance. What is a ' Stock Option ' A stock option is a privilege, sold by one party to another, that gives the buyer the right, but not the obligation, to buy (call) or sell. Using the Black and Scholes option pricing model, this calculator generates theoretical values and option greeks for European call and put options. This stock option calculator computes the theoretical price of a one or two leg option position using Black Scholes. Try our advanced stock options calculator and. Implied Dividend Calculator to find dividend arbitrage conditions. If options are fairly priced, then the following equation applies: call price + strike price. Stock Option Calculator Receiving options for your company's stock can be an incredible benefit. Even after a few years of moderate growth, stock options can produce. Employees receiving a stream of stock option grants over a period of years can be an incredible benefit. Use this calculator to project how much a series of annual. Stock option calculators to determine probability of price movement, option position analysis, covered call position management, and option Greeks including implied.

This stock option calculator computes the theoretical price of a one or two leg option position using Black Scholes. Try our advanced stock options calculator and. Stock trading calculators for Nifty future and option trade technique, investment technique e-book written by Mr soumya ranjan panda, CEO Smart Finance. What is a ' Stock Option ' A stock option is a privilege, sold by one party to another, that gives the buyer the right, but not the obligation, to buy (call) or sell. Stock option calculators to determine probability of price movement, option position analysis, covered call position management, and option Greeks including implied. Stock Option Calculator Receiving options for your company's stock can be an incredible benefit. Even after a few years of moderate growth, stock options can produce. Employees receiving a stream of stock option grants over a period of years can be an incredible benefit. Use this calculator to project how much a series of annual. Implied Dividend Calculator to find dividend arbitrage conditions. If options are fairly priced, then the following equation applies: call price + strike price.

Stock option calculators to determine probability of price movement, option position analysis, covered call position management, and option Greeks including implied.

Stock option calculator

With this Employee Stock Option Calculator . you can estimate the after-tax value of non-qualified s. Using price per share information along with grants and strike price, this stock option calculator . The IVolatility. com Options Calculator is an educational tool intended to assist individuals in. … Options Calculator . SARs Calculator . Restricted Stock Calculator . I Need The Money, myRecords, Alte. This free online Stock Options Calculator will calculate the future value of your employees stock o. CBOE's options calculator and margin calculator were designed to support options investors. Vis.

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Stock option calculators to determine probability of price movement, option position analysis, covered call position management, and option Greeks including implied. Stock Option Calculator Receiving options for your company's stock can be an incredible benefit. Even after a few years of moderate growth, stock options can produce. What is a ' Stock Option ' A stock option is a privilege, sold by one party to another, that gives the buyer the right, but not the obligation, to buy (call) or sell.

Stock option

Call Options Profit, Loss, Breakeven

The following is the profit/loss graph at expiration for the call option in the example given on the previous page.


The breakeven point is quite easy to calculate for a call option:

Breakeven Stock Price = Call Option Strike Price + Premium Paid

To illustrate, the trader purchased the $52.50 strike price call option for $0.60. Therefore, $52.50 + $0.60 = $53.10. The trader will breakeven, excluding commissions/slippage, if the stock reaches $53.10 by expiration.


To calculate profits or losses on a call option use the following simple formula:

Call Option Profit/Loss = Stock Price at Expiration - Breakeven Point

For every dollar the stock price rises once the $53.10 breakeven barrier has been surpassed, there is a dollar for dollar profit for the options contract. So if the stock gains $5.00 to $55.00 by expiration, the owner of the the call option would make $1.90 per share ($55.00 stock price - $53.10 breakeven stock price). So total, the trader would have made $190 ($1.90 x 100 shares/contract).

Partial Loss

If the stock price increased by $2.75 to close at $52.75 by expiration, the option trader would lose money. For this example, the trader would have lost $0.35 per contract ($52.75 stock price - $53.10 breakeven stock price). Therefore, the hypothetical trader would have lost $35 (-$0.35 x 100 shares/contract).

To summarize, in this partial loss example, the option trader bought a call option because they thought that the stock was going to rise. The trader was right, the stock did rise by $2.75, however, the trader was not right enough. The stock needed to move higher by at least $3.10 to $53.10 to breakeven or make money.

Complete Loss

If the stock did not move higher than the strike price of the option contract by expiration, the option trader would lose their entire premium paid $0.60. Likewise, if the stock moved down, irrelavent by how much it moved downward, then the option trader would still lose the $0.60 paid for the option. In either of those two circumstances, the trader would have lost $60 (-$0.60 x 100 shares/contract).

Again, this is where the limited risk part of option buying comes in: the stock could have dropped 20 points, but the option contract owner would still only lose their premium paid, in this case $0.60.

Buying call options has many positive benefits like defined-risk and leverage, but like everything else, it has its downside, which is explored on the next page.

Beyond the Black-Scholes' model. If you're in the options market, you need a good calculator. The OptionCity Calculator uses two advances from modern option pricing theory: stochastic volatility and stock price jumps. These two ingredients make for a good calculator. We'll explain why.

Volatility is not constant . If you've traded options, you know that volatility is ever-changing. (Click on the thumbnail image to see a long-run chart of the SPX volatility). For example, you've probably seen this effect: when the stock market falls, index option volatility tends to move up and vice-versa. It's sometimes called the "leverage effect" in academic circles. Yet, for option prices to follow the celebrated Black-Scholes' 1973 model. volatility must be a constant -- the leverage effect shouldn't exist. In a nutshell, there's a contradiction. That contradiction is a key reason why the Black-Scholes' model is often at odds with the marketplace.

Smiles and skews . In fact, not only does actual volatility jump around over time, but the Black-Scholes' implied volatility differs from strike to strike. This is the smile or skew effect. If option prices were determined by the Black-Scholes' model, there would be no smile or skew (It would be flat). In reality, you know that as many index options approach expiration, their smile charts become very steep. In other words, out-of-the-money puts trade at very high implied volatilities relative to the at-the-moneys.

For example, for the S&P500-type data in the screen shot above, with a current volatility of 20% per annum, the Black-Scholes price for a put striking at 1050 (with the index at 1200) and about 1 month to go is only $0.16. Yet the calculator model price, which uses plausible assumptions, is over 8 times higher: $1.29 with an implied volatility of about 27%. Most important, the calculator price is much closer to the market price. By comparing a similar market price with only the Black-Scholes price, a trader might assume that these puts were grossly over-priced in the market and engage in a systematic selling program. As the calculator shows, that might be a mistake, even though it could indeed prove to be a profitable trading strategy for quite a while. ¿Por qué? Primarily, the occasional negative jumps (about once every 4 years in the screenshot), with the accompanying volatility surge, take back all your profits. At a minimum, the expected earnings over time are probably much lower than the hypothetical trader expected. This shows how the calculator can save money by reducing mistakes.

How the Calculator models work . The option pricing models built into the OptionCity Calculator handle these effects in a realistic way. First, they allow volatility to change; today's volatility is expected to be different tomorrow. Volatility is described by a random process with realistic features. That's the stochastic volatility part of the Calculator's models.

The correlation parameter . Our stochastic volatility models generate the leverage effect by using a "correlation" parameter. You can see the input slot at the end of the third input row in the screenshot. (The screenshot shows an earlier release). You enter a number between -1 and +1: in the screenshot, the entry is -0.65. The correlation describes the relationship between stock prices changes and volatility changes. A negative entry like this means that volatility tends to move up when stock price moves down and vice-versa -- paralleling what you usually see in the equity marketplace! The closer the entry is to -1.0, the stronger the effect. For some options, like currency options, there isn't much of a skew (the smile is fairly symmetrical). To model this in the calculator, you enter a 0 or very small correlation.

Very steep skews. What about the very steep skews (i. e. the relatively expensive prices) associated with the expiring, out-of-the money, stock index puts? (Like the S&P500 options). These skews are often explained by the demand of portfolio hedgers for protection against losses. That's valid as far as it goes, but do the hedgers pay too much? too little?

In the OptionCity Calculator, these skews are generated by two effects that work together. First, there's the correlation (leverage) effect that we just mentioned. The more negative the correlation, the steeper the skew. This makes sense: if you're a put buyer, you will pay more if you know that, if the market falls, then volatility will probably rise. After all, your puts will become valuable in two different ways. (1: they go in-the-money and 2: volatility is higher). To compensate, sellers have to charge more.

How the market moves. But, if you're a portfolio hedger, you will also think about how a market fall might happen. Hypothetically, if the fall was guaranteed to be fairly steady (the academics call this a 'continuous sample path'), then you can hedge by selling some stock on the way down. In reality, you know that the fall might instead be a sharp jump (the market opens down 10% some morning) that cannot be hedged by trading shares. Because of this possibility, you may pay even more for those puts. Especially if a 10% loss hurts more than a 10% gain helps. Again, the sellers must compensate for the possible jumps, too.

Good matches to the market . By including the possibility of (negative) stock price jumps, the skew charts generated by our calculator become even steeper and very good matches to the market can be achieved. For example, the screenshot above shows an OptionCity Calculator generated smile that is very similar to the actual SPX smile at the time of this writing. (The at-the-money point is about 1200 in the chart and the options have about one month to go). So, back to the question: do the put buyers pay too much? With the OptionCity Calculator, you can translate your own assumptions about jumps and volatility into fair prices for options. Like any calculator, it's a general purpose tool. You provide the input. We do the heavy arithmetic.

Try it. The models we use are fairly sophisticated, but no model is perfect. We hope you're convinced that ours are closer to reality than some older theories. Interested? Try the free download below. The program comes with a Tutorial with more information.

Key Benefits of the OptionCity Calculator

Flexible models with stochastic volatility and stock price jumps

Option prices with Greeks (sensitivity to parameters)

Realistic Smile charts

Fast evaluations

Self-validating results. (You validate calculations by selecting a different numerical method: Lattice, Series, or Monte Carlo)


The program is a downloadable executable for MS Windows systems. Included is a "Tutorial and Help" file, which also includes the License agreement (Adobe Acrobat reader needed).

License Pricing (OptionCity Calculator, Version 1.1)


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Bond Calculators; Warrants Calculator; etc.

For more information see Australian Securities Exchange

HOADLEY'S ON-LINE OPTIONS PRICING ANALYSIS CALCULATORS - P. Hoadley VERY VERY VERY. EXTENSIVE. Examples from over "10" Options Pricing & Probability Calculators include:

". Employee Stock Option (ESO) Valuation Calculator; Black-Scholes Pricing Analysis Option Calculator Trinomial Tree Graphical Option Calculator; Barrier Option Calculator Using Trinomial Lattice Calculator Black-Scholes/Binomial Convergence Analysis Option Calculator Dividend Impact Analysis & American & European Option Pricing Comparison Calculator; Stock Price lognormal Distribution Analysis Calculator; Stock Price Probability Calculator. "

Hoadley Derivatives Add-in for Excel

". lets you put together spreadsheets & build spreadsheet applications which require the calculation of option prices, hedge parameters ("Greeks"), implied volatility, historical volatility, underlying asset probabilities, trading profitability, futures pricing, identification of optimal early exercise points. "

For more information see Peter Hoadley

Some examples of Options Pricing & Probability Calculators include

Cox, Ross & Rubinstein: Binomial Tree Option Calculator Cox, Ross & Rubinstein: Binomial Tree Option Calculator INPUT Values include:

". Strike price; Underlying Asset Price; Volatility; Interest rate; Days to Expiration; Dividend; etc. "

Trinomial Tree Option Calculator Trinomial Tree Option Calculator INPUT Values include:

". Strike price; Underlying Asset Price; Volatility; Interest rate; Days to Expiration; Dividend; etc. "

Black-Scholes/Binomial Convergence Analysis Black-Scholes/Binomial Convergence Analysis Calculator INPUT Values include:

". Strike price; Stock Price; Volatility; Interest rate; Days to Expiration; Option Type; etc. "


". Options Calculator; Covered Call Calculator. "

For more information see the Montréal Exchanges

OPTIONS CALCULATOR & COVERED CALL CALCULATOR - The Options Industry Council VERY VERY VERY. EXTENSIVE. Click on Tools & Resources and then Click on Options Calculator or Covered Call Calculator For more information see The Options Industry Council


FOREIGN TRADE ZONE COST AND BENEFIETS CALCULATOR - Greater Metropolitan Area Foreign Trade Zone Commission, Minneapolis, MN Foreign Trade Zones (FTZs)

". are commerce sites (industrial sites, buildings) set up in or near U. S. Customs ports of entry where merchandise is considered legally outside U. S. Customs territory. Your business can use FTZs to reduce duty payments, streamline supply chain costs and improve your competitive position in domestic and foreign markets. "

For more information see Greater Metropolitan Area Foreign Trade Zone Commission



Some examples include

Refined Oil Products


EX-IM BANK CALCULATORS - Export-Import Bank of the U. S. VERY VERY EXTENSIVE. Ex-Im Bank Calculators include

". Ex-Im Bank Short-Term FIBC (Financial Institution Buyer Credit) Fee Calculator; Ex-Im Bank Medium-Term Exposure Fee Calculator; Ex-Im Bank Long-Term Exposure Fee Calculator; Ex-Im Bank Short-Term ELC & ESS Calculator. "

For more information see Export-Import Bank of the U. S.



COST OF LIVING SALARY COMPARISON CALCULATOR (U. S.) - PayScale, Inc. VERY VERY EXTENSIVE. Cost of Living Salary Comparison Calculator

". Just enter your salary and job title as well as your current location and the city where you're considering a move. Not only will we show you the cost of living difference, but we'll let you know how much you need to make in the new location to maintain your current standard of living. "

For more information see PayScale

MEASURING WORTH - L. H. Officer & S. H. Williamson, Measuring Worth VERY VERY VERY. EXTENSIVE. ". The worth of monetary transactions is also difficult to measure. While there is a price, wage, or other kind of transaction that can be recorded at a precise price, the worth of the amount must be interpreted. " Measuring Worth Calculators include

". Annualized Growth Rate of Various Historical Economic Series Calculator; Relative Value of a U. S. Dollar Amount Calculator; Conversion Between U. K. Pounds and U. S. Dollars Calculator; Annual Inflation Rates in the United States and United Kingdom Calculator; etc. Measuring Growth Rate of the DJIA, S&P 500 and NASDAQ Between Any Two Dates; etc. "

INFLATION CALCULATOR - Bureau of Labor Statistics, Department of Labor For more information see the Bureau of Labor Statistics

INFLATION CALCULATOR - S. M. Friedman Inflation Calculator

". adjusts any given amount of money for inflation, according to the Consumer Price Index, from 1800 to Present. "

For more information see The Homepage du jour of Steven Morgan Friedman




INFLATION RATE IN CANADA - Bank of Canada Inflation Calculator

". uses monthly consumer price index (CPI) data from 1914 to the present to show changes in the cost of a fixed "basket" of consumer purchases. These include food, shelter, furniture, clothing, transportation, and recreation. "

For more information see Bank of Canada

U. K. INFLATION RATE CALCULATOR - Bank of England, U. K. U. K. Inflation Rate Calculator

". What would goods and services costing. "

For more information see Inflation Tools

PRICES & WAGES - VALUE OF THE GUILDER/EURO: 1450 - PRESENT - International Institute of Social History, The Netherlands Value of the Guilder/Euro Calculator

". Comparing the purchasing power of the guilder from 1450 to any other year. "

For more information see the International Institute of Social History




MARGIN CALCULATOR - OANDA Corporation Margin Calculator

". margin is the amount of money - or equivalent value of eligible collateral - that an investor must deposit with his or her brokerage. "

For more information see OANDA Corporation



MUTAL FUND SCREENER - CNN America, Inc. a Time Warner Company VERY VERY VERY. EXTENSIVE. For more information see Tools or CNNmoney


FUND ANALYZER - Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. (FINRA) VERY VERY EXTENSIVE. Fund Analyzer

". offers information and analysis on over 18,000 mutual funds, Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) and Exchange Traded Notes (ETNs). This tool estimates the value of the funds and impact of fees and expenses on your investment and also allows you the ability to look up applicable fees and available discounts for funds. "

For more information see the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA)


CURRENT GOLD PRICES - Kitco Inc. VERY VERY VERY. EXTENSIVE. Current Gold Prices includes:

". Live Gold, Silver, Platinum & Palladium Charts; Historical Gold, Silver, Platinum, Palladium & Rhodium Charts; Gold & Silver Coin current Prices; Current; Gold & Precious Metal Mining Stocks; InternationalExchange Rates; Pennyweight to Ounces to Grams Calculator; Gauge-inch-mm Conversion Chart; Precious Metals Weight Comparison Chart for 22kt, 18kt, 14kt, 10kt, etc.;.


THE PRICE OF GOLD - 1257 TO THE PRESENT - L. H. Officer & S. H. Williamson, Measuring Worth VERY VERY VERY. EXTENSIVE. The Price of Gold

". The worth of monetary transactions is also difficult to measure. While there is a price, wage, or other kind of transaction that can be recorded at a precise price, the worth of the amount must be interpreted. "

". Measuring Worth Calculators include:

Annualized Growth Rate of Various Historical Economic Series Calculator; Relative Value of a U. S. Dollar Amount Calculator; Conversion Between U. K. Pounds and U. S. Dollars Calculator; Annual Inflation Rates in the United States and United Kingdom Calculator; etc. "

For more information see Measuring Worth


PRECIOUS METALS CALCULATORS - CME Group For more information see Conversions or the CME Group


DENDRITICS CALCULATIONS AND FORMULAS FOR GEMSTONES - Dendritics Gemscales Museum, Dendritics, Inc. Waltham, Massachusetts VERY VERY VERY. EXTENSIVE. Carat Weight & Stone Identification Calculator includes:

". over 1,000 individual gemstones. A full 300 stones to choose from including: Amber, Aquamarine, Coral, Diamond, Emerald, Jadeite, Opal etc. "

For more information see Dendritics

Some examples of Dendritics Calculators include

Carat Weight & Stone Identification Calculator Carat Weight & Stone Identification Calculator INPUT Values include:


". Round-Faceted; Emerald; Square; Square-Cushion; Heart; Oval-Faceted; Pear; etc. "

Girdle; Measurements (Length, Width, Depth); Stone: select from over 60 different stones including

". Amber, Coral, Diamond, Emerald, Opal, Culture Pearl, etc. "

Culet; Sides; Color. "

Gold, Silver & Platinum Calculator Gold, Silver & Platinum Calculator INPUT Values include:

". Weight; Units; Metal; Price; Currency; etc. "

Wax Calculator for Castings Wax Calculator for Castings INPUT Values include:

". Model Weight; Model; Casting; Price; Currency; etc. "

GEMSTONE WEIGHT ESTIMATOR - Asia-Gems, D. Webster, Thailand VERY EXTENSIVE. Gemstone Weight Estimator

". Estimating Carat Weights of Gemstones - Determining Carat Weight from Measurements. "

Gemstone Weight Estimator INPUT Values include:

". Gemstone (select from over 20 different stones); Gemstone Cut (Oval, Square, Heart, etc.); Measurements; Girdle; Pavilion Bulge; etc. "

For more information see Asia-Gems

DESIGN YOUR OWN PLATINUM ENGAGEMENT RINGS, WEDDING RINGS, JEWLERY, ETC. - Platinum Guild International VERY VERY EXTENSIVE. Design Your Platinum Engagement Rings, Wedding Rings & Jewlery

". Mix and match bands, settings and stones to design your ideal ring. "



". It's fast, convenient, and your voting instructions are immediately posted. " ". Shareholders of participating companies can vote by: entering a control number provided with their proxy materials and completing an electronic ballot. "

Return On Investment


WAS MY HOME A GOOD INVESTMENT - CALCULATE YOUR HOME'S RATE OF RETURN - CNN America, Inc. a Time Warner Company Was my Home a Good Investment - Your Home's Rate of Return Calculator INPUT Values include

". Starting Value (Date & Price); Ending Value (Date & Price). "

For more information see Calculators or CNNmoney




STOCK PRICE PROBABILITY CALCULATOR - P. Hoadley VERY VERY EXTENSIVE. For more information see Options Pricing Calculators or Peter Hoadley

Taxable vs Tax-Free Investments


TAX-FREE VS TAXABLE YIELD COMPARISON CALCULATOR - The Bond Market Association Taxable/Tax-Free Yield Equivalent Calculator

". compare what you need to earn on a taxable security to equal the tax-free yield of a municipal bond. "

For more information see Investing in Bonds


DAY COUNT CONVENTIONS CALCULATOR - Snowgold, U. K. Day Count Conventions Calculator

". When specifying payment dates and interest rates on swaps and bonds, it is very important that both sides of the transaction agree on dates when payments will occur and on how the amounts payable will be calculated. "

For more information see Snowgold

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